'SMS-E:1 DCB OPEN EAS 113-44' reported by IBM's Generic Tracker Facility and its effect on EAV compatibility
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'SMS-E:1 DCB OPEN EAS 113-44' reported by IBM's Generic Tracker Facility and its effect on EAV compatibility


Article ID: 16040


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CA 7 Workload Automation


EAV increases the amount of addressable DASD storage per volume beyond 65,520 cylinders by changing how tracks are addressed. This increase is accomplished with a new track address format within the Volume Table of Contents (VTOC), which is referred to as 28-bit cylinder track address and a new way to manage this extra space as multicylinder units.

The following EAV increases are available for recent z/OS releases:

     -      For z/OS 1.12, the largest supported EAV volume is 262,668 cylinders

     -      For z/OS 1.13, the largest supported EAV volume is 1,182,006 cylinders  

With EAV, IBM implements an architecture that provides capacities of hundreds of terabytes (TB) for a single volume.

The following 'SMS-E:1 DCB OPEN EAS 113-44' instances are being reported for CA 7 programs by IBM's Generic Tracker Facility GTZ :

PROGRAM: UCC7               PROGRAMOFFSET: x000000000002181A 

Is this a problem and is CA7 compatible with the Extended Addressability Volumes (EAV) feature?



For CA 7 11.3:

The COMMDS, the 9 queue files and the checkpoint dataset can reside in an EAV volume but cannot use the 64M line functionality.

For CA 7 12.0 and higher releases:

The COMMDS, the checkpoint and the 2 work queue datasets can reside in an EAV volume but cannot use the 64M line functionality, so they can be allocated on EAV DASD devices below the 65,521 cylinder line. Any attempt to open one of the datasets mentioned above as 'included' with a cylinder number greater than 65,520 will be rejected by the z/OS Operating System.   

VIO used for the 2 queue datasets will not be impacted since paging dataset will not be allocated on EAVs.                                                

It is strongly recommended to check in Support Online for any published PTF affecting this interface.