SFTP Scanning Leads To Access is Denied Error
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SFTP Scanning Leads To Access is Denied Error


Article ID: 160163


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Network Discover


When attempting to run an SFTP scan , the scan will immediately fail and in the Scan Detail page you will see in the Recent Scan Activity:

WARNING Failed to read sftp:/X.X.X.X; error: Access is denied.

In the filereader, you will see the following error:

INFO: No excluded file list directory: D:\Vontu\Protect\bin\..\config\excludeFiles
com.vontu.directorycrawler.AbstractFileSystemCrawler crawlDirectory
WARNING: Unable to get list of files for directory sftp:\X.X.X.X
com.vontu.directorycrawler.filter.FileSystemCrawlerFilter loadExcludeList


This can happen if in the Sharepointmapper.properties there is a space at the end for some or all the parameters related to SFTP. 

SFTP Parameters:

#Windows WebDrive implementation of SFTP
#SFTP General

#Mount Errors
SFTP.AccessDenied=Not Applicable
SFTP.ShareNotFound=Not Applicable
SFTP.ShareExists=Not Applicable
SFTP.MultipleConnections=Not Applicable
SFTP.SyntaxError=Not Applicable
SFTP.ResponseExpected=Not Applicable
SFTP.ServerNotFound=Not Applicable
SFTP.AccountLockedOut=Not Applicable
SFTP.NoLogonServers=Not Applicable
#Unmount Errors
SFTP.MountDoesNotExist=could not be found
SFTP.MountDependencyExists=force them closed
1.  Go to \Vontu\Protect\config and open Sharepointmapper.properties. 

2.  Remove the spaces for SFTP related parameters from the sharepointmapper.properties or copy them from the above. 
3.  Make sure that sharepointmapper.properties is correct as mentioned above

4.  Restart the Vontu Monitor  service and run the scan again.

NOTE: This can also happen if the target does not use sftp all in lower case. For example, sftp://10.X.X.X will work but not SFTP://10.X.X.X or Sftp://10.X.X.X. The case of the sftp prefix matters and should be all in lowercase.