Converting from SSMGA to SSMGAV2 using SSMPLEXAPP =SSMGAV2
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Converting from SSMGA to SSMGAV2 using SSMPLEXAPP =SSMGAV2


Article ID: 16012


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


We are converting from SSMGA to SSMGAV2 using SSMPLEXAPP = SSMGAV2. In the CA OPS/MVS Event Management and Automation documentation section "How to Convert SSMGA to SSMGAV2", we have questions about steps 4, 5, 9, and 10. 

 4) Remove the following SSMGA entries from the SSM Global Exit action table.

 5) Remove the following SSMGA entries from all STATEMAN action tables for movable resources

 9)  Run the SGBLPLVA request rule to build SYSPLEX global variables.

10) Execute the request rule for all tables that contain moveable resources or cross system prereq/subreq definitions. For example:  OPSREQ SGBLPLVA tablename

  • Do the the above SSM global Exit actions and SSMGA entries in Stateman action table need to be added back after the process is completed or should be added dynamically at restart of OPS/MVS?
  • Is 9 or 10 really one action? or what should be done at 9?
  • For a SSMPLEX - You only need to issue OPSREQ SGBLPVA STCTBL once? not per LPAR?



CA OPS/MVS 12.3 Event Management & Automation-for JES2 - System State Manager Global


  • Steps 4 and 5 actions do not need to be added back into the referenced tables as these items/actions are performed internally in the SSM engine/code only when SSMPLEXAPP=SSMGAV2. Streamlining the setup process was part of the intention of the SSMPLEXAPP value.
  • Step 9 and 10 could be incorporated into one step, but step 10 is a re-iteration that this REQUEST rule that may need to executed on all involved LPARs and may need to be done against multiple tables, as the reference to the prereq and/or subreq cross-system definitions may not be obvious. The bottom line is, the sysplex variables need to be created for any/all SSM resources involved in moving resources and in prereq/subreq checking.
  • OPS 12.3 PTF RO98290 is available for the 4.11.2 MG command issue

Additional Information

How to Convert SSMGA to SSMGAV2