How to find the version of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Endpoint Agent installed.
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How to find the version of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Endpoint Agent installed.


Article ID: 160042


Updated On: 04-08-2022


Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Prevent Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Discover


You need to check what version of the DLP Endpoint Agent is installed but cannot find it.


Windows Machines

On the local machine if you look at the EPDA.exe file located in the DLP Endpoint Agent installation folder (under Program Files\Manufacturer\Endpoint Agent) you should be able to check the version by opening the properties of that file and viewing the details tab.


Mac OS X

Open a Terminal window and run the command below: 

plutil -p  "/Library/Manufacturer/Endpoint Agent/Resources/Info.plist" | grep 'BundleVersion'

Example output:

  "CFBundleVersion" => "14.5.0103.01005"


Mac OS X Catalina (10.15.x)

plutil -p  "/Library/Manufacturer/Endpoint Agent/" |grep 'BundleVersion'

  "CFBundleVersion" => "15.5.0207.01006"


Mac OS BigSur (11.x)

plutil -p "/Library/Manufacturer/Endpoint Agent/" |grep "BundleVersion"

"CFBundleVersion" => "15.8.00102.01006"


Mac OS Monterey (12.x)

plutil -p "/Library/Manufacturer/Endpoint Agent/" |grep "BundleVersion"

"CFBundleVersion" => "15.8.00102.01006"


Enforce Console

Additionally, if Endpoint Agent is already connected to a DLP Endpoint server you should be able to view the version in the Enforce UI under System > Agents > Overview looking at that machine in the list.