PTF RO68796 adds new parameter to PMO. Where can I find the related documentation?
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PTF RO68796 adds new parameter to PMO. Where can I find the related documentation?


Article ID: 15997


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PMO Runtime Performance Optimizer


New PTF PTF RO68796  for PMO adds new parameter of LNOAUTOP.

Where is documentation?


The documentation is provided in solution and documentation update solution RI68795.


The following documentation alteration provides a description              
of new LNOAUTOP startup parameter which is added by solution RO68796.      
This parameter may be used to control whether PMO may or may not        
automatically manage LNKLST libraries as private libraries.                
-In thePMO RPO System Programmer Guide, chapter 4: Using Parameters,   
 section Specifying the Parameters, a new subsection for LNOAUTOP Parameter
 is added with the following text:                                         
 LNOAUTOP Parameter                                                        
 While PMO primarily uses its managed list to manage LNKLST libraries,  
 it can also manage a LNKLST library at the same time as a private         
 library using a hash table. This can happen if this library was included  
 by the INCLPRVT command or startup parameter, or if the INCLAUTO parameter
 specified the library to be eligible for automatic management and         
 the library was included automatically based on its non-LNKLST            
 search activity.                                                          
 With this parameter you can prevent PMO from automatically managing    
 LNKLST libraries as private libraries.                                    
 The LNOAUTOP parameter has the following syntax:                          
 Where option is one of the following values:                              

PMO will never automatically include a LNKLST library as a private library.                                                      
PMO may automatically include a LNKLST library as a private library.    
Default: LNOAUTOP=NO                                                       
Note: If a new LNKLST set is activated while LNOAUTOP=YES parameter        
      is in effect, and this new LNKLST set contains a library that was    
      already automatically included by PMO as a private library,       
      then PMO will continue to manage this library as a private library.
In PMO RPO System Programmer Guide, chapter 1: Monitoring Directory     
Search Activity with PMOMON, section D9: Candidate Private Library Searches,
section Specifying the Parameters, under 'Library Name' column heading,    
the following index designator is added to the list of designators:        
L       The library is ineligible because it is a LNKLST                   
        library and LNOAUTOP=YES parameter was specified.