Authentication fails with error AuthenticationFailedFault: Authentication failed. Details: null
Confirm the following
1. Local Administrator account works with Reporting API
2. You are able to log onto Enforce using AD user authentication
If the first 2 steps above are succesful
Make sure the following syntax is used to provide AD user details in the Reporting API client -
For example:
If this still does not address the issue, you may need to increase the Reporting API logging for further investigaton.
Enable logging:
Within Vontu\Protect\config\
set com.vontu.enforce.reportingapi.webservice.log.WebServiceSOAPLogHandler.level to INFO
Clean up the Enforce log directory so it is empty and only contains the tomcat directory. Restart the Services and replicate the problem and collect all logs.
You may want to review the following logs and ensure that they are created:
tomcat logs
Specificy the following data is stored in these locations:
Audit log
Audit events will be generated for the following scenarios, and the detail of the event will always identify that it was a Web Service operation:
• A request is made with invalid credentials
• A request is made with a valid username, but invalid role
• A request is made with a valid username and role, but the password is incorrect
• A request is made with valid credentials, but the role specified does not have permission to access the Web ServiceAudit events will not be generated for the following scenarios:
• A request is made that does not contain the expected Authentication Headers
• A request is made with valid credentials, but the user requested a report be run for which they do not have accessOperational log
The operational log events will be separated into two files. General events will be recorded in the Manager's operational log. A separate operational log will be used to record requests received by the Web Service. It will provide similar functionality as the tomcat access log.Manager
The following events will be recorded in the manager operational log:
• Web Service operation failed (ie. you can a report and it encountered an error)