Reset Siteminder super user privileges
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Reset Siteminder super user privileges


Article ID: 15927


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CA Single Sign-On SITEMINDER CA Security Command Center


We have accidentally removed the siteminder user's super user privileges, and we do not have another super user to restore its permissions. 

How do we restore a user's super user permissions?


Policy Server: 12.8.x (Applicable to all the supported releases)


1. Copy XPSSecurity.exe to your CA\siteminder\bin folder on your policy server, if it is not there already. XPSSecurity.exe is found in the folder where you unzip the policy server installation files initially. 

2. Launch a command prompt, and run XPSSecurity 

3. Type "A" for Administrators 

4. Type the number corresponding to your siteminder Administrator (should be 1, but check to confirm) 

5. Type "2" for flags (in some environments it corresponds to 3) 

6. If it has the Legacy user already (flag value of 2), type "6". Otherwise, type "4" to give it just Super User. Alternatively, you can use the ? for an interactive version of setting flags.

7. Type "V" to validate. 

8. Type "U" to update. 

9. Type "Q" to quit. 

10. Type "Q" to quit. 

11. Type "P" to synchronize with the policy server. 

12. Type "Q" to quit. 

13. Test if this works by logging in as the siteminder superuser in the AdminUI. 

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