Can you tell me the corresponding dataset names for the Easytrieve version 6.4 and 11.6 libraries?
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Can you tell me the corresponding dataset names for the Easytrieve version 6.4 and 11.6 libraries?


Article ID: 15924


Updated On:


Easytrieve Report Generator


Library name differences, when upgrading Easytrieve from 6.4, to 11.6

We have upgraded the EZT from v6.4 to v11.6. 
The dataset names got changed from v6.4 to 11.6 and the customer needs the same dataset names for the newer release also i.e(v11.6) as it is there in the older version 6.4 

What are the 11.6 equivalents?



Migration from Easytrieve 6.4, to Easytrieve 11.6


EZT version 6.4 
easytrieve.CAILIB is now CBAALOAD 
easytrieve.CAIMAC is now CBAAMAC 
easytrieve.CAISRC is obsolete for R11. 
 You do not need INDMAC, INDOBJ, INDSRC libraries for R11. 

Additional Information

CBAAXML/ABAAXML were added to EZT 11.5 as part of the PTF that added support 
for the CSM Deployment feature. All that is added with EZT 11.6 is support 
for CSM Configuration feature. The Deployment feature was added to CSM, and now Configuration is being added to CSM 4.0. 

Those libraries contain Metadata members that control the CSM Deployment and Configuration functionality for Easytrieve.