How can we convert Vantage logged object data records to current format without using the Vantage GUI?
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How can we convert Vantage logged object data records to current format without using the Vantage GUI?


Article ID: 15884


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Vantage Storage Resource Manager


How can we convert Vantage logged object data records to current format without using the Vantage GUI?




One can use the VANLOGRD utility from the *.CCTUSAMP library of vantage to convert Vantage logged object data records to current format and save the data to a PS Disk data set.

Log data is read from logged data sets for the object, and saved in the dynamically allocated data set prefix.objname where prefix is specified by the PREFIX= keyword, and objname is specified by the OBJECT= keyword described below.     


Object definitions are assembled into STEPLIB as OnnnnnVX modules where nnnnn is the object number.                                    

The OBJECT= keyword on the INPUT DD card defines the object name to get log data for.                                                    


FROMDATE,FROMTIME and TODATE,TOTIME keywords defines the time range for selecting log data. If not specified, only log data from the latest created log data set is selected.                                    

Object logs may be created for earlier versions of the object that might have a different layout than the current object layout as defined on STEPLIB. This utility also reads old logs and converts records to the current format.                                       

 You may also create a printable report of the log data.              

To do so, specify TYPE=REPORT.                                       

TYPE=RAWDATA is default, and it just converts log data to current layout without formatting a print report.                            


A mapping of the log data on prefix.objname is printed on SYSOUT.    

You can also run the MAPPINGS utility to generate current mapping of log objects. See MAPPINGS member in the *.SAMPLES data set.  

The prefix.objname data set is created by this utility.        

SPACE= keyword defines the primary space to be used for the prefix.objname allocation. If the data set already exists, the data set will not be replaced with new log data. The utility will just terminate with an error message indicating this.