Client runs the Windows System Assessment Scan (WSAS) and immediately throws Exit Code 4.
Exit Code 4
Different errors related to this Exit Code as follows:Logs display the following errors:
Patch Management 7.5.x, 7.6.x and 8.x
Error #1: HR=0x80070005 is relative to 'Access Denied.' Client appears to lack communications clearance to download / execute the WSAS package. This issue in one case was traced to competing COM processes running at the same time as the assessment scan.
Error #2: Isolated to a single Software Update failing to scan results from client causing unknown exception errors for the Assessment Scan process.
Error #3: Usually these certificates should exist on properly configured and up to date system, thus some systems deployed from old installation sources would not contain all required updates. This issue could also appear on systems that are not connected to the internet and where not all the Microsoft Windows updates are installed by IT administrator. Possibly related to an issue with Windows 2003/XP:
Issue #1: This was alleviated by altering the Windows System Assessment Scan policy in the Console at Settings > All Settings > Software > Patch Management > Windows System Assessment Scan and setting the schedule away from the top of the hour.
Issue #2: This issue was resolved in PMImport release on 5/21/2014: Ensure a recent download of the PMImport has completed and the offending clients are able to run a Windows System Assessment Scan.
Issue #3: This issue following PMImport 7.2.1 release was resolved by implementing one of the three provided methods for updating certificates outlined on TECH239756.