Multi-volume data set allocation in MICF
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Multi-volume data set allocation in MICF


Article ID: 15756


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MICS Resource Management


How do you define multi-volume data set allocation in MICF so that the desired dataset(s) span multiple volumes?


Release: 14.2


In the Data set allocation parameters panel in MICF you can define multi-volume allocation by removing the value in GENERIC UNIT and then specify the UNIT=x in the OTHER field.

The Data set allocation parameters can be accessed by MWF 2;0;6.

If a dataset(s) need to be defined as multi-volume and is used in a production reporting jobstream, select the jobstream from MWF 2;4;3  and then set the Override data set allocation parameters to Y

For example,

This allocation is for the SAS Work File and here we have specified UNIT=(SYSDA,5) in the OTHER field to span 5 volumes.   SYSDA was removed from the Generic Unit field.  

Temporary data set:  WORK     - SAS Work File                 

   DSN prefix            : MICSL1                            

   DSN suffix         ===> ___________________________________

   Space units        ===> CYL            (BLK, TRK, or CYL)  

   Primary quantity   ===> 50             (In above units)    

   Secondary quantity ===> 5              (In above units)    

   Directory blocks   ===> ___            (For partitioned dat

   Round block alloc. ===> NO             (YES/NO)            

   Block size         ===> 23040          (Maximum block size)

   Record length         : 512             Volume serial     

   Data set org.         : PS              Expiration date   

   Record format         : FS              Retention period  

   Generic unit       ===> ________       (Generic group name 

   Storage Class      ===> ________       (SMS Storage Class) 

   Data Class         ===> ________       (SMS Data Class)    

   Management Class   ===> ________       (SMS Management Clas

   Additional allocation parameters:                          

      DCB     ===> ___________________________________________

      Other   ===> UNIT=(SYSDA,5)                        

Additional Information

Another option is to specify VOL=(,,,5) in the OTHER field while leaving the value present in Generic Unit field.   

This also applies to jobstreams and can be specified by selecting the jobstream and specifying 'Y' in the following field:

Override Data Set Allocation Parameters        ===> Y (Y/N)

Then selecting 'S' the SAS Work File from the Data Set list