How to get into the Database Management ISPF main menu without modifying my logon procedures or making any ISPF panel
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How to get into the Database Management ISPF main menu without modifying my logon procedures or making any ISPF panel


Article ID: 15734


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How to enter the Database Management tools ISPF main menu without modifying the logon procedures or without making any ISPF panel modifications.


Required to make the Database Management tools RSPxxxx clist members addressable to the  ISPF environment by copying them from
hlq.CDBACLS0 (clist) library to one of the clist/exec libraries defined in the SYSPROC concatenation (as revealed when invoking TSO ISRDDN from the command line). 

The RSPxxxx members to be copied are RSPMAIN, RSPDEF, RSPINIT, and RSPUSER

Then edit the RSPMAIN clist's PROC statement to provide the following information: 

PROC 0 HIGHLVL(Db2 tools dsn hlq) +                    
SUFFIX(xx) + 
ENV() + 

Then from ISPF option 6 command shell enter RSPMAIN 
This will take you directly into the Database Management tools main menu.