Can CCID flag (Y/N) be toggled via Endevor batch job?
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Can CCID flag (Y/N) be toggled via Endevor batch job?


Article ID: 15723


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


One needs to change CCID:  N to Y via a Batch job in the System Definition.
Can CCID flag (Y/N) be toggled via an Endevor batch job?


All supported releases 


Yes, the CCID flag can be changed using Batch Administrator SCL.

Here is a simple process :
1 - Execute batch ENBE1000 (See CSIQJCL(ENBE1000)) with command

     BUILD SCL FOR SYSTEM "system"
      FROM ENVIRONMENT "environ"
      TO DSN iprfx.iqual.SCLLIB MEM SCLMEM01.

2 - Edit member SCLMEM01 and find the string "CCID NOT REQUIRED" then change it to "CCID REQUIRED". 

3 - Execute batch ENBE1000 with your dsn for "iprfx.iqual.SCLLIB" and SCLMEM01 allocated to ddname ENESCLIN.

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