Why are old alarms, that have been manually cleared, reappearing again after a failover from Primary to Secondary SpectroSERVER?
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Why are old alarms, that have been manually cleared, reappearing again after a failover from Primary to Secondary SpectroSERVER?


Article ID: 15716


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Why do old alarms that have been manually cleared reappear after a SpectroSERVER failover from Primary to Secondary?


Spectrum 9.x Fault TolerantSpectrum 10.x Fault Tolerant


Currently by design, there is no record of cleared alarms that are passed to the Secondary SpectroSERVER.  Once the Secondary SpectroSERVER becomes active and if the alarm condition still exists a new alarm will be generated.


As Spectrum is working by design you can use Alarm Snooze or an Alarm Filter instead of clearing the alarm to no longer display the alarm.

Additional Information

There is currently an Enhancement Request open to change this behavior in Spectrum.