In a Distributed (DSS) SpectroSERVER environment that is running AlarmNotifier on each landscape with SANM, why do I see alarms present from other SpectroSERVERs landscapes?
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In a Distributed (DSS) SpectroSERVER environment that is running AlarmNotifier on each landscape with SANM, why do I see alarms present from other SpectroSERVERs landscapes?


Article ID: 15696


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CA Spectrum


In a Distributed (DSS) SpectroSERVER environment that is running AlarmNotifier on each landscape with SANM, why do I see alarms present from other SpectroSERVERs landscapes?


Distributed SpectroSERVER Environment with Alarm Notifier running individually on each landscape.


By default, AlarmNotifier with SANM is a DSS application, meaning that it will connect to all Archive Managers and process all alarms from all other landscapes.
If you only want AlarmNotifier to process alarms from its own landscape there are a few settings in the .alarmrc that can be adjusted to change this behaviour.


If a landscape is specified in this parameter, only this landscape is searched for policy models and
monitored for policy changes. If no landscape is specified, all landscapes in a distributed
environment are searched for policy models and monitored for policy changes. Note that either all SANM applications and Policy Administrator should be configured to use a single landscape for policies or all SANM applications and Policy Administrator should be configured to use all landscapes.



This parameter is a comma-separated list of landscapes  that AlarmNotifier will process alarms from. Typically, AlarmNotifier will connect to all available landscapes in a distributed environment( if not filtered by a policy ). This setting is useful when multiple AlarmNotifiers are sharing a single policy, but you want to restrict AlarmNotifier instances to a single landscape or set of landscapes.