Windows Installer Error 1619 using Software Delivery with a package that contains sub-folders
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Windows Installer Error 1619 using Software Delivery with a package that contains sub-folders


Article ID: 156944


Updated On: 05-18-2017


Software Management Solution


When delivering a Software Management policy or task, using "msiexec" and the .msi file is in a subfolder, the task will fail with exit code 1619.


The Windows Installer returns error code 1619 when the installation package could not be opened.  Most likely, the reference to the .msi file in the command line of the policy is incorrectly referenced.


In this case, the .msi is contained in a subfolder in the package. The correct reference to this file in the command line should be "subfolder\msi filename.msi". Do not begin the reference with ".\". This can also cause the 1619 error. The full command line should be in the form:

msiexec.exe /i "subfolder\msi filename.msi" /qn

Note that in this example, quotation marks (") were used because there is a blank in the file name. Quotes are not necessary if there are no blanks in the path or file name.