How does CA Dispatch search on the database for definitions when it has a report name and when there is no report name in the JCL.
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How does CA Dispatch search on the database for definitions when it has a report name and when there is no report name in the JCL.


Article ID: 15681


Updated On: 02-14-2018


Dispatch Output Mgmt


How does CA Dispatch search on it's database for the instructions on how to process a report?


Release: DISPAX00200-11.7-Dispatch


If CA Dispatch processes a sysout and there IS a report name in the external writer field in the JCL, then first, we will scan the database looking for a match on both the report name and jobname. 

If we do not get a match, then we scan the database looking for a match on report name only (Jobname blank).  

If we do not get a match on Report name only then we will use the values defined in the UNDEFINED REPORT definition from the VSGMU110 screen (option 9 then 1) to distribute the report. 

If Dispatch processes a sysout data set and there is no report name in the JCL then we will search using the DEFAULT REPORT NAME from the VSGMU110 sysgen screen (option 9 then option 1) and the jobname .

If we do not find a match, we will scan the database looking for a match for the default report name only (Jobname blank).

If we do not find a match then we will use the UNDEFINED REPORT definition.


Additional Information

Some client's define a REPORT BASE definition using just the default report name (Jobname blank), so that when we search for the combination of default report name and blank jobname we will find the definition. You can then define a recipient to this definition so that someone receives the defaulted report where it can be evaluated further, a determination can be made, and an appropriate report base definition can be put in place for correct distribution of the report.

For example: Define the report recipient so that the sysout is sent to online viewing so that the administrator can determine where the report should go.

Another example would be to define a report recipient that sends the sysout to the JES spool, but on hold, so that a decision can be made later as to where the sysout should go.