JCLNeat: How to add KEYWORDS using JCKNSPF in edit mode
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JCLNeat: How to add KEYWORDS using JCKNSPF in edit mode


Article ID: 15672


Updated On:


JCLCheck Workload Automation


This Knowledge Base article demonstrates how to add the KEYWORDS file to CLIST JCKNSPF so it can be used in an edit session of a JCL member when JCKNSPF is invoked.


Release: 12.0
Component: JCLCheck Workload Automation


The JCLNeat  KEYWORDS feature customizes the order of the keywords in your JCL.  

A KEYWORDS file must be allocated to your TSO/ISPF session.  Make the following changes to CLIST JCKNSPF in hlq.CAZ2CLS0:   

  • Comment out the following statements:

       /*    FREE F(KEYWORDS,JN01)                          /* TEBE515 */

       /*    ATTR  JN01 REC(F B) BLK(800) LRE(80) DSORG(PS) /* TEBE515 */

       /*    ALLOC F(KEYWORDS) UNIT(VIO) USING(JN01) NEW    /* TEBE515 */

  • Add the following statement after the above commented statement:

        ALLOC F(KEYWORDS) DA('your.dsn(keywords)') SHR REUSE 

  • Change the statement

        FREE F(KEYWORDS,JN010)    to     FREE F(KEYWORDS)



Additional Information

How to code the KEYWORDS data set: 
