Forcing use of hardware crypto cards for encryption
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Forcing use of hardware crypto cards for encryption


Article ID: 15632


Updated On:


Datacom Datacom/AD Datacom/DB


Datacom/DB and Datacom/AD provide encryption of data in tables that are configured for it. This encryption is done at a basic level, using z10 (or later) hardware, and this functionality provides for a single encryption key that is used for an entire database catalog (CXX).

Can Datacom be configured to force all encryption processing to use the cryptographic cards and not the General Processor, so that this overhead is not included in licensing and usage calculations?


Datacom performs encryption using the hardware on which the programs are run. No special actions are required, and how the hardware chooses to perform the encryption or decryption processing is not known to our programs.

Therefore, we have no direct control over the processing or where it is performed.

Additional Information

For more information about the use of encryption for Datacom/DB tables, please refer to Data Encryption from our documentation.

As always, please contact Broadcom Support for Datacom if you have further questions.