ITMS Location of log files
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ITMS Location of log files


Article ID: 156111


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IT Management Suite


Location of log files for the Symantec Management Platform, Symantec Management Agent, Symantec Internet Gateway, and Workflow.


ITMS 8.x


Symantec Management Platform server logs (a#.log) are stored here:

Note: \ProgramData is hidden by default and you may need to "Show hidden files and Folders"

SMP 8.x: c:\ProgramData\Symantec\SMP\Logs

SIM Installation logs: C:\ProgramData\Symantec\SMP\Logs\Install YEAR-MONTH-DAY HOUR-MINUTE-SECOND (i.e. Install 2024-01-23 20-21-12).

SIM Logs: C:\ProgramData\Symantec\SMP\Logs\SIM YEAR-MONTH-DAY HOUR-MINUTE-SECOND (i.e. SIM 2024-01-25 19-57-01)

Symantec Management Agent logs (agent#.log) are stored here:

Windows: C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Symantec Agent\Logs

Mac & Linux: opt/altiris/notification/nsagent/var/aex-client.log

Note: Installation logs can be found under:

Windows: C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Symantec Agent\InstallLogs

Mac & Linux: opt/altiris/notification/nsagent.
Core installation log is named "aex-nsclt-install.log". The solution installation logs are like: "aex-smsagent-install.log" under the same directory.

Symantec Internet Gateway logs (Error.log & IG.log) are stored here: 

SMP 8.5/8.6/8.7 versions: c:\Program Files\Symantec\SMP Internet Gateway\logs\

Symantec Workflow Logs (All Workflow logs)

Windows: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Workflow\Logs

Symantec Deployment Solution Logs

Please see Deployment Solution 8.x Logging

Other useful links about the Altiris Log Viewer:

How to configure logging on the Notification Server and an Altiris Agent computer

About the Altiris Log Viewer