Can the Easytrieve Unix run on AIX 7.2? (Does the Easytrierve Unix support the AIX 7.2?)
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Can the Easytrieve Unix run on AIX 7.2? (Does the Easytrierve Unix support the AIX 7.2?)


Article ID: 15594


Updated On:


PanAudit Plus Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL


The compatibility information of the Easytrieve Unix.  For AIX 7.2.

Can the Easytrieve Unix run on AIX 7.2?  (Does the Easytrierve Unix support the AIX 7.2?)


AIX Version 4.3 or above.


We certified that the Easytrieve Unix R11.0 is compatible with AIX 7.2.
The Easytrieve Unix runs on AIX 7.2 the same way it runs on AIX 7.1.

Additional Information

Please see the "Pre-Installation Considerations" in the "Chapter 3: Installation on UNIX and Linux for zSeries" in the Easytrieve Getting Started before you install the Easytrieve Unix.