Easytrieve version 6.4 interfaces
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Easytrieve version 6.4 interfaces


Article ID: 15551


Updated On:


PanAudit Plus Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL


How to determine the interfaces which are active for the current version(V6.4) of Easytrieve.


Running Mainframe Easytrieve v6.4


These are the FMID's for CA Easytrieve release 6.4 0311: 

FMID      Component 

C$A6400 Runtime 
C$A6401 Runtime Host Server 
CF06400 SQL 
CG16400 IMS 
CG26400 IDMS Interface 
CG26401 IDMS Interface (Rel 10) 
CI36400 CA-Datacom/DB 
CI56400 DBCS 
CI66400 Compiler 

Additional Information

The first two are for the Runtime option when executing EZT programs. 
CF06400 is if you have the SQL option. 
Likewise, CG16400 is for the IMS option if you have purchased that option. 
There are two FMIDs for the IDMS option: you should have CG26400 if you 
have IDMS with any version other than release 10; otherwise for IDMS 
version 10, please make sure you have CG26401. For the 
Datacom/DB option, CI36400 is the correct FMID. 
For DBCS option, CI56400 is needed. and... you would need CI66400 
in order to compile any EZT program, regardless of which options exist. 

Product Code 6F is the Easytrieve runtime, and 
product Code U5 is the Easyrieve compiler.