What is the port used for transmission of SYSLOG-OUT messages to remote syslog daemons by the sysloggtw probe
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What is the port used for transmission of SYSLOG-OUT messages to remote syslog daemons by the sysloggtw probe


Article ID: 15523


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


What is the port used for transmission of SYSLOG-OUT messages to remote syslog daemons by the sysloggtw probe .

Is this port configurable by user?


UIM 8.4xUIM 8.5xsysloggtw 1.42


In sysloggtw probe gui Properties ->Remote syslog daemons -> here you can specify the remote hosts 

You can provide a comma separated list of the ips in the Remote syslog daemons field.The sysloggtw probe can be configured with remote syslog daemons for the target host.


Remote syslog daemons: enter the Syslogd hosts where relayed Syslog messages of messages from the SYSLOG-OUT queue are sent. 


Note: SYSLOG-OUT messages will be posted as syslogd messages. 

The port used for these transmissions is 514 (and currently not configurable).