External Logging settings and log event severity levels for Endpoint Protection Manager
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External Logging settings and log event severity levels for Endpoint Protection Manager


Article ID: 155205


Updated On: 10-03-2023


Endpoint Protection


You need detailed documentation regarding the External Logging settings in the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM).


There are total 16 different log types (including both server and client logs). The following section gives details of the CONTENT for each log type. Fields are in the order of their appearance.

* indicates items that were added as of 14.0.1
** indicates items that only appear if the property scm.syslog.agentinfo is set to ON
***indicates item added in 14.3 MP1
# indicated item added in 14.3 RU1


Note: Some fields may not be present in earlier versions of Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP), and vice-versa.

System logs



Time Stamp

Time stamp of the record, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.


Log severity: All, Information, Warning or Error.

Site name

SEPM site name.

Server name

Name of the SEPM server.

Event description

Description of the event. Usually, the first line of the description is treated as the summary. The system logs contain information about events such as when services start and stop. Examples:
"Database maintenance finished successfully"
"LiveUpdate started"
"Unexpected server error"

Administrative logs



Time Stamp

Time stamp of the record, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.


Log severity, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.
server, warning, info

Site name

SEPM site name.

Server name

Name of the SEPM server.

Domain name

SEPM domain name.

Admin name

SEPM admin name.

Event description

Description of the event. Usually, the first line of the description is treated as the summary. The Administrative logs event contain information about admin activiity such as login, logout, group creation, updating site property etc. Examples:
"Administrator log on succeeded"
"Group 'MyGroup' was added"

Policy logs



Time Stamp

Time stamp of the record, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.

Site name

SEPM site name.

Server name

Name of the SEPM server.

Domain name

SEPM domain name.

Admin name

SEPM admin name.

Event Id :Event description

The unique ID of the policy event:

  • 0 = The policy was added.
  • 1 = The policy was deleted.
  • 2 = The policy was edited.
  • 3 = Added a shared policy upon system installation.
  • 4 = Add a shared policy upon a system upgrade.
  • 5 = Add a shared policy upon domain creation.

Policy name

Name of the policy.

Agent Activity logs



Time Stamp

Time stamp of the record, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.

Site name

SEPM site name.

Server name

Name of the SEPM server.

Domain name

SEPM domain name

Event description

Description of the event. Usually, the first line of the description is treated as the summary. Agent Activity Logs contain information about client-server communication activities. Examples:
"The management server received the client log successfully"
"The client has downloaded the auto-upgrade configuration file successfully"
"The client has downloaded the policy successfully"

Host name

The host name of the client computer.

User name

User logged on to the machine.

Domain name

Machine domain name.

Enforcer Activity logs



Time Stamp

Time stamp of the record, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.

Site name

SEPM site name.

Server name

Name of the SEPM server.

Enforcer name

Name of the Enforcer.

Event description

Description of the event. Usually, the first line of the description is treated as the summary. Enforcer Activity logs contain information about compliance activity, i.e. blocking the computer from opening certain application or website.

Agent System logs



Event Time

Time stamp of the record, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.



Severity description, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.
Info, Warning, Error, Fatal

Host name

The host name of the client computer.


Not used at this time.

Event source

The data source. NETPORT, NATSRV, Network Intrusion Protection System, LiveUpdate Manager etc.

Event description

Description of the event. Usually, the first line of the description is treated as the summary. Agent System logs contain information about agent activities. Examples:
"Connected to Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager"
"Network intrusion protection enabled"

IP Address1**

IP address of the machine.

MAC Address1**




IP Address2**


MAC Address2**




IP Address3**


MAC Address3**




IP Address4**


MAC Address4**




Event time

This field is always logged.

Agent Security logs



Event time

Time of event occurrence, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.


Severity description, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.
critical, major, minor, info

Host name

The host name of the client computer.

Event description

Description of the event. Usually, the first line of the description is treated as the summary. It also includes application path. Examples:
"Somebody is scanning your computer.  Your computer's UDP ports: 57271, 62017, 60911, 56822 and 52243 have been scanned from x.x.x.x."

Local IP address

The IP address of the local computer (IPv4).

Local MAC address

The MAC address of the local computer.

Remote Host name

The host name of the remote computer. This field may be empty if the name resolution failed.

Remote IP address

The IP address of the remote computer (IPv4).

Remote MAC address

The MAC address of the remote computer.

Traffic direction

The direction of traffic. (Unknown = 0; inbound = 1; outbound = 2)

Network protocol

The protocol type. (OTHERS = 1; TCP = 2; UDP = 3; ICMP= 4)

Hack type

Hack Type information is dependent on Event ID. If appropriate Event ID is not found then Hack Type is blank.

If Event ID = 209, Host Integrity failed (TSLOG_SEC_NO_AV), the reason for the failure.

If Event ID = 206, Intrusion Prevention System( Intrusion Detected, TSLOG_SEC_INTRUSION_DETECTED), the intrusion ID

If Event ID = 210, Host Integrity passed (TSLOG_SEC_AV), additional information

Possible reasons are as follows:

  • Process is not running - Bit0 is 1
  • Signature is out of date - Bit1 is 1
  • Recovery was attempted - Bit2 is 1

Begin time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

The start time of the security issue.

End time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

The end time of the security issue.

This field is an optional field because the exact end time of traffic may not be detected; for example, as with UDP traffic. If the end time is not detected, it is set to equal the start time.

No. of occurrences

The number of attacks. Sometimes, when a hacker launches a mass attack, it may be reduced to one event by the log system, depending on the damper period.

Application name

The full path of the application involved.

This field may be empty if an unknown application is involved, or no application is involved. For example, the ping of death DoS attack does not have an application name because it attacks the OS itself.

Location name

The location used when the event occurred.

User name

The logon user name.

Domain name

The logon domain name.

Local port no.

The local port.

Remote port no.

The remote port.

CIDS signature ID

The signature ID.

CIDS signature string

The signature name.

CIDS signature sub ID

The signature sub ID.

Intrusion URL

The URL from the detection.

Intrusion payload URL

The URL that hosted the payload.

IP Address1**

IP Address of the machine.

MAC Address1**




IP Address2**


MAC Address2**




IP Address3**


MAC Address3**




IP Address4**


MAC Address4**





The SHA-256 hash value.


The MD5 hash value.

Event Type #

The type of security event. E.g. Host Integrity failed, Browser Protection event etc.

Intensive Protection Level #

The URL hid level. e.g. N/A or Level 1/2/3/4

URL Risk #

The risk score. e.g. N/A, very safe, safe, Possibly malicious etc.

URL Category #

The URL category. e.g. Potentially Unwanted Software, Social Networking etc.

Agent Traffic logs



Event time

Time of event occurrence, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.


Severity description, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.
critical, major, minor, info

Host name

The host name of the client computer.

Local IP address

The IP address of the local computer (IPv4).

Local port

The TCP/UDP port of the local computer (host byte order). It is only valid on TSE_TRAFFIC_TCP and TSE_TRAFFIC_UDP. For other events, it is always zero.

Local MAC address

The MAC address of the local computer.

Remote IP address

The IP address of the remote computer (IPv4).

Remote Host name

The host name of the remote client computer.

Remote port

The TCP/UDP port of the remote computer (host byte-order). It is only valid on TSE_TRAFFIC_TCP and TSE_TRAFFIC_UDP. For other events, it is always zero.

Remote Mac address

The MAC address of the remote computer.

Network protocol

Localized string for Others/ TCP/ UDP/ ICMP.

Traffic direction

Localized strings for Unknown/ Inbound / Outbound.

Begin time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

The start time of the security issue.

End time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

The end time of the security issue.

This field is an optional field because the exact end time of traffic may not be detected; for example, as with UDP traffic. If the end time is not detected, it is set to equal the start time.

No. of occurrences.

The number of attacks.

Sometime, when a hacker launches a mass attack, it may be reduced to one event by the log system, depending on the damper period.

Application name

The full path of application involved.

It may be empty if an unknown application is involved or if no application is involved. For example, the ping of death DoS attack does not have AppName because it attacks the operating system itself.

Rule name

The name of the rule that was triggered by the event.

If the rule name is not specified in the security rule, then this field is empty. Having the rule name can be useful for troubleshooting. You may recognize a rule by the rule ID, but rule name can help you recognize it more quickly.

Location name

The location used when the event occurred.

User Name

The logon user name.

Domain name

The logon domain name.

IP Address1**

IP address of the machine.

MAC Address1**




IP Address2**


MAC Address2**




IP Address3**


MAC Address3**




IP Address4**


MAC Address4**





Action description. The action taken on the traffic, e.g. "Action: Blocked"


The SHA-256 hash value.


The MD5 hash value.

Agent Packet logs



Event time

Time of event occurrence, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.

Host name

The host name of the client computer.

Local IP address

The IP address of the local computer (IPv4).

Local port

The TCP/UDP port of the local computer (host byte order). It is only valid on TSE_TRAFFIC_TCP and TSE_TRAFFIC_UDP. For other events, it is always zero.

Remote IP address

The IP address of the remote computer (IPv4).

Remote Host name

The host name of the remote client computer.

Remote port

The TCP/UDP port of the remote computer (host byte-order). It is only valid on TSE_TRAFFIC_TCP and TSE_TRAFFIC_UDP. For other events, it is always zero.

Traffic direction

Localized strings for Unknown/ Inbound / Outbound.

Application name

The full path name of the application involved.

It may be empty if an unknown application is involved or if no application is involved. For example, the ping of death DoS attack does not have an AppName because it attacks the operating system.

IP Address1**

IP address of the machine.

MAC Address1**




IP Address2**


MAC Address2**




IP Address3**


MAC Address3**




IP Address4**


MAC Address4**





Action description. The action taken on the traffic, e.g. "Action: Blocked"

Agent Behavior logs



Event time

Time of event occurrence, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.


Severity description, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.
critical, major, minor, info

Host name

The host name of the client computer.

IP address

If scm.syslog.agentinfo is not defined, or is defined as scm.syslog.agentinfo=OFF.

Action description

The host name of the client computer.

Event description

The behavior that was blocked.

API name

API name that was blocked.

Begin time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

The start time of the security issue.

End time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

The end time of the security issue.

This field is an optional field because the exact end time of traffic may not be detected; for example, as with UDP traffic. If the end time is not detected, it is set to equal the start time.

Security Rule name

The name of the rule that was triggered by the event.

If the rule name is not specified in the security rule, then this field is empty. Having the rule name can be useful for troubleshooting. You may recognize a rule by the rule ID, but rule name can help you recognize it more quickly.

Caller process ID

The ID of the process that triggers the logging.

Called process name

The full path name of the application involved. It may be empty if the application is unknown, or if OS itself is involved, or if no application is involved. Also, it may be empty if profile says, "don't log application name in raw traffic log".

Caller return address

The return address of the caller. This field allows the detection of the calling module that makes the API call.

This is historically not used. You can expect Return Address to always be 0.

Caller return module name

The module name of the caller. See CallerReturnAddress for more information.

Return Module name is historically unused.  You can expect Return Module name to always be "No Module Name" except where you see Sysplant when sysplant has started.


Parameters is the name of the module, process, registry location or file that was used in the API call. Each parameter was converted to string format and separated by one space character. Double quotation mark characters within the string are escaped with a \ character.

As an example, in the SEPM ADC policy you may have a rule with a condition which monitors for Load DLL Attempts with the rule being applied to mscoree.dll.  In this case, in the parameters field you'd expect to see C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mscoree.dll.

User name

Logon user name.

Domain name

Logon windows domain name.

Action type

The violation type that triggered the SymProtect event.

File Size

The size of the file associated with the application control violation, in bytes.

Device Id

The GUID of an external device (floppy disk, DVD, USB device, etc.).

IP Address*

The IP address of the computer associated with the application control violation.

IP Address1**

IP Address of the machine.

MAC Address1**




IP Address2**


MAC Address2**




IP Address3**


MAC Address3**




IP Address4**


MAC Address4**




Agent Scan logs



Time Stamp

Time stamp of the record, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.

Scan ID

The scan ID provided by the agent.

Start date Time

The time that the scan started.

Stop date Time

The time that the scan stopped.


Scan status as hard-coded English key:

  • completed = Completed
  • cancelled = Canceled
  • started = Started


The length of the scan, in seconds.

User name 1

User who was logged in when scan started.

User name 2

User who was logged in when scan stopped.

Message 1

Scan message when scan started.

Message 2

Scan message when scan ended.


Command sent from the SEPM.

  • ScanNow_Full = Do a full scan.
  • ScanNow_Quick = Do an Active Scan.
  • ScanNow_Custom = Do a custom scan.
  • Update_ScanNow_Full = Update content and then do a full scan.
  • Update_ScanNow_Quick = Update content and do an Active Scan.
  • Update_ScanNow_Custom = Update content and do a custom scan.
  • CancelScan = Cancel the scan.

No. of threats found

The number of threats that the scan found.

No. of infected files found

The number of files that the scan found that were infected.

No. of files scanned

The number of files scanned.

No. of files omitted

The number of files that were omitted.


Name of the machine on which the scan was run.

IP address

IP address of the machine on which the scan was run.

Domain name

Domain name to which the machine belongs.

Client Group name

Client group name in the SEPM.

Server name

Name of the server.

Scan Type***

Scheduled Scan, DefWatch, ScanNow_Quick, ScanNow_Custom, ScanNow_Full, Manual.

IP Address1**

IP address of the computer.

MAC Address1**




IP Address2**


MAC Address2**




IP Address3**


MAC Address3**




IP Address4**


MAC Address4**




Agent Risk logs



Time Stamp

Time stamp of the record, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.

Description of action taken on risk.

1 = Quarantined
2 = Renamed
3 = Deleted
4 = Left alone
5 = Cleaned
6 = Cleaned or macros deleted
7 = Saved
9 = Moved back
10 = Renamed back
11 = Undone
12 = Bad
13 = Backed up
14 = Pending repair
15 = Partially repaired
16 = Process termination pending restart
17 = Excluded
18 = Restart processing
19 = Cleaned by deletion
20 = Access denied
21 = Process terminated
22 = No repair available
23 = All actions failed
24 = RepairFailedPowerEraser. A Power Eraser scan is recommended. Symantec Endpoint Protection cannot remove or clean the threat. Symantec Endpoint Protection can only block the threat.
25 = RepairFailedPowerEraser2. A Power Eraser scan is recommended. Symantec Endpoint Protection cannot remove or clean the threat. Symantec Endpoint Protection cannot confirm that it blocked the threat.
98 = Suspicious
99 = Details pending
100 = IDS block.
101 = Firewall violation.
102 = Allowed by user.
110 = Detected by using the commercial application list.
111 = Forced detection by using the file name.
200 = Attachment stripped.
1000 = Forced detection by using the file hash.
500 = Not applicable.

IP address of infected machine

IP address of the infected machines.

Computer name

Name of the host machine.

Scan source

Hard-coded English string that is used as a lookup key for scan types:

  • "Scheduled Scan"
  • "Manual Scan"
  • "Real-Time Scan"
  • "Integrity Shield"
  • "Definition downloader"
  • "System"
  • "Startup Scan"
  • "DefWatch"
  • "Manual Quarantine"
  • "Reboot Processing"
  • "Heuristic Scan"

Virus name

Name of virus / threat.

No. of viruses

Number of events for aggregated event record. This can be due to client-side aggregation, server-side compression, or both.

File path

The file path of the attacked file.

Event Description

Description of the event. This gives description of the virus file. Examples:
"Still contains 1 infected item"
"AP realtime deferred scanning" 

Actual action taken on the risk.

-1 = Action invalid
1 = Quarantined
2 = Renamed
3 = Deleted
4 = Left alone
5 = Cleaned
6 = Cleaned or macros deleted
7 = Saved
9 = Moved back
10 = Renamed back
11 = Undone
12 = Bad
13 = Backed up
14 = Pending repair
15 = Partially repaired
16 = Process termination pending restart
17 = Excluded
18 = Restart processing
19 = Cleaned by deletion
20 = Access denied
21 = Process terminated
22 = No repair available
23 = All actions failed
24 = RepairFailedPowerEraser. A Power Eraser scan is recommended. Symantec Endpoint Protection cannot remove or clean the threat. Symantec Endpoint Protection can only block the threat.
25 = RepairFailedPowerEraser2. A Power Eraser scan is recommended. Symantec Endpoint Protection cannot remove or clean the threat. Symantec Endpoint Protection cannot confirm that it blocked the threat.
98 = Suspicious
99 = Details pending
100 = IDS block.
101 = Firewall violation.
102 = Allowed by user.
110 = Detected by using the commercial application list.
111 = Forced detection by using the file name.
200 = Attachment stripped.
1000 = Forced detection by using the file hash.
500 = Not applicable.

First action defined in the policy

First actions can be similar to action taken on the risk.

Secondary action defined in the policy

Secondary actions can be similar to action taken on the risk.

Time of event occurrence

The time that the event occurred.

Time when event was inserted into database

The time that the event was inserted into the database.

End of aggregated event time

Time at which event ended. This is the end of the aggregated event time.

GMT time stamp

The time on the server when the event is logged into the system or updated in the system (GMT).

Domain name

SEPM domain name.

Client group name

SEPM client group.

Server name

Name of the server.

User name

Logged on user.

Source computer name

Computer name where this event occurred.

Source computer IP

IP address of the machine on which the event occurred.

IP address 1**

IP address of the machine.

Mac address 1**


Gateway IP 1**


IP address 2**


Mac address 2**


Gateway IP 2**


IP address 3**


Mac address 3**


Gateway IP 3**


IP address 4**


Mac address 4**


Gateway IP 4**


Reputation information

Good, Bad or message saying reputation was not used in this detection.


The URL determined from where the image was downloaded from. Default is "".

This field belongs to creator for dropper application. The creator process of the dropper threat. Default is "".

Web domain

The web domain.


The creator process of the dropper threat. Default is "".

Information on no. of users have seen this file

0: Unknown.

1-50: Very low

51-100: Low

101-150: Moderate

151-200: High

201-255: Very high

> 255: Very high Default is 0

Confidence level

The Confidence level that produced the conviction. Examples:
High, low, bad, trustworthy etc.
"Confidence: There is strong evidence that this file is untrustworthy."

CIDS status

Network intrusion prevention status. Examples:
"URL Tracking Status: On"
on, off, not installed, off by policy, malfunctioning etc.

No. of days since the first time this file was seen

The first seen date for the convicted application Default is 0.

Engine sensitivity that produced this detection

Between 0 to 100.

Reason for white listing

(Permitted Application Reason) #

  • Not on the permitted application list
  • Symantec permitted application list
  • Administrator permitted application list
  • User permitted application list

Application hash

The hash for this application.

Hashing type

MD5, SHA1 or SHA2

Company name

The company name

Application name

The application name

Application version

Version of the application


Trojan Worm, Key logger or Remote control

File size

File size of application

Risk Detection Type

Localized strings for Heuristic / Cookie / Admin Black List / BPE / System Change / N/A


The translated name.

Location name

The location used when the event occurred

Intensive Protection Level*

The High Intensity Detection Level.

Certificate Issuer*

The certificate's issuer.

Certificate Signer*

The certificate's signer.

Certificate Thumbprint*

The certificate's thumbprint.

Signing Timestamp*

The certificate's signature timestamp.

Certificate Serial Number*

The certificate's serial number.

Agent Proactive Detection logs (SONAR)



Time Stamp

Time stamp of the record, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.

Description of action taken on risk.

This will be related to SONAR and the list can be found in Agent Risk logs section.

Computer name

Name of the host machine

IP address

If scm.syslog.agentinfo is not defined or defined as scm.syslog.agentinfo=OFF

Detection type

Detection type:

  • 0 = heuristic
  • 1 = commercial application

When was this first seen?

The first seen date for the convicted application. Default is 0.

Application name

The application name.

Application type

Trojan, key logger etc.

Application version

The application version.

Application hash type

MD5, SHA1, SHA256 etc.

Application hash

The hash for this application.

Company name

The company name.

File size

File size.


Engine sensitivity setting that produced the detection.

Detection score

Score of detection.

COH engine version

TruScan engine version.


Recommendation in the form of YES or NO on whether to submit this detection to Symantec or not.

White list reason

(Permitted Application Reason) #

  • Not on the permitted application list
  • Symantec permitted application list
  • Administrator permitted application list
  • User permitted application list


Good / Bad / Unknown / Not available.


The URL determined from where the image was downloaded.

Default is "".

This field belongs to creator for dropper application.

The creator process of the dropper threat. Default is "".

Web domain

The web domain.


The creator process of the dropper threat. Default is "".


Number of users that have seen this.

  • 0: Unknown.
  • 1-50: Very low
  • 51-100: Low
  • 101-150: Moderate
  • 151-200: High
  • 201-255: Very high
  • > 255: Very high Default is 0


If disposition is good, this will have more fine level information such as how is reputation. Whether it is high, medium, low, bad, worst etc.

CIDS on / off

Enabled state of CIDS 0 = off

  • 1 = on
  • 2 = not installed
  • 127 = unknown.

Risk level

The risk level (high, med, low) for the convicted threat.

  • 0 = Unknown
  • 1 or 2 = Low
  • 3 = Medium
  • 4 = High

Default is 0.

Risk type

Localized strings for Heuristic / Cookie / Admin Black List / BPE / System Change / N/A.


Log risk action description. Hard-coded English string that is used as a lookup key for scan types like Real-Time scan, Manual Scan etc. Example:
"Source: Real-Time Scan"

Virus name

Name of virus / threat.

No. of viruses

Number of events for aggregated event record.

File path for attacked file

File path.


Description of the virus file. Examples:
"Still contains 1 infected item"
"AP realtime deferred scanning"

Actual action taken

Actual action will be similar to the one see in Risk logs.

Requested action by policy

High Risk Detections:

  • Log
  • Remove
  • Quarantine

Low Risk Detections:

  • Log
  • Remove
  • Quarantine
  • Disabled

DNS Changed detected, Host file change detected and Suspicious behavior detections:

  • Ignore
  • Prompt
  • Block
  • Log

Secondary action requested by policy


Time of events occurrences

The time that the event occurred.

Time of events insertion into database

The time that the event was inserted into the database.

Time of end of events

Time at which event ended. This is the end of the aggregated event time.

Domain name

SEPM domain name.

Client group name

SEPM client group name.

Server name

Name of the server.

User name

Logged on user name.

Source computer name

Computer name where this event occurred.

Source IP address

IP address of the machine on which the event occurred.

IP address 1**

IP address of the machine.

Mac address 1**


Gateway IP 1**


IP address 2**


Mac address 2**


Gateway IP 2**


IP address 3**


Mac address 3**


Gateway IP 3**


IP address 4**


Mac address 4**


Gateway IP 4**


Intensive Protection Level*

The High Intensity Detection Level.

Certificate Issuer*

The certificate's issuer.

Certificate Signer*

The certificate's signer.

Certificate Thumbprint*

The certificate's thumbprint.

Signing Timestamp*

The certificate's signature timestamp.

Certificate Serial Number*

The certificate's serial number.

IP Address*

The IP address associated with the High Intensity Detection.

First seen*

The first-seen date for the convicted application. Default is 0.

COH Engine Version*

The TruScan engine version.

Detection Source*

The score (?) of the detection.

Location #

The location name. e.g Default 

Enforcer System logs



Event time

Time of event occurrence, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.


Log severity, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.

Enforcer type

Gateway / LAN / DHCP / Integrated / NAP / Peer To Peer.

Enforcer ID

The GUID of the Enforcer.

Event description

Description of the event. Usually, the first line of the description is treated as the summary.Examples:
"Enforcer has successfully received download of policy/logs/etc"

Enforcer Client Activity logs



Event time

Time of event occurrence, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.

Enforcer type

Gateway / LAN / DHCP / Integrated / NAP / Peer To Peer.

Host name

If Enforcer is of P2P, then host name; else Enforcer ID.

Event description

Description of the event. Usually, first line of the description is treated as the summary. Whether clients have passed or failed host integrity check, were authenticated or rejected, or were disconnected from the network.

Remote host

Remote host information.


The Enforcer's action on the client (a hard-coded English string that is used as lookup):

  • Authenticated = Agent's UID is correct
  • Rejected = Agent's UID is wrong or there's no agent running
  • Disconnected = Agent disconnects from Enforcer or Enforcer service stops
  • Passed = Agent has passed Host Integrity check
  • Failed = Agent has failed Host Integrity check

Enforcer Traffic logs



Event time

Time of event occurrence, if "Export logs to a dump file" is enabled.

Enforcer type

Gateway / LAN / DHCP / Integrated / NAP / Peer To Peer.

Enforcer ID

The GUID of the Enforcer.

Local IP address

The IP address of the local computer (IPv4).

Local port

The TCP/UDP port on the local computer (host byte-order). It is only valid on TSE_TRAFFIC_TCP and TSE_TRAFFIC_UDP. For other events, it is always zero.

Remote IP address

The IP address of the remote computer (IPv4)

Remote port

The TCP/UDP port of the remote computer (host byte-order). It is only valid on TSE_TRAFFIC_TCP and TSE_TRAFFIC_UDP. For other events, it is always zero.

Network protocol

Localized string for Others/ TCP/ UDP/ ICMP.

Traffic direction

Localized strings for Unknown/ Inbound / Outbound.

Begin time in yyyy- MM-dd HH:mm:ss

The start time of the Enforcer event.

End time in yyyy- MM-dd HH:mm:ss

The end time of the Enforcer event.

No. of occurrences.

The number of attacks. Sometime, when a hacker launches a mass attack, it may be reduced to one event by the log system, depending on the damper period.


Action description. Examples:
"Action: Blocked"
"Action: Not blocked"