How to correct the Subsystem Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS (PSA) PSA0820 TABLE LOCFAIL SQLCODE=-805 messages
that appear within the Xmanager log.
The PSA0820 TABLE LOCFAIL SQLCODE=-805 messages usually indicates a mismatch in plan names. In these cases, it can be corrected by:
1) Obtaining the name of the Subsystem Analyzer plan name. It can be found in <High.Level>. CDBAPARM(PLANSxx) member's PSAPLN01= Plan name
2) Place the above name into the PLAN() parameter of the Subsystem Analyzer start commands in the <High.Level>. CDBAPXMP library.
Sample start commands can be found in the $STRTPSA & $STRTALL members
3) Recycle the Xmanager STC