What Type of Data is in an iDash AutoSys Job Status Report?
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What Type of Data is in an iDash AutoSys Job Status Report?


Article ID: 15451


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iDash Workload Automation


I am trying to generate a report with 60 days of historical job status data for my AE jobs. Why is it when I specify 60 days, I only get back one row of data per job in my Autosys job status report?


CA Workload Automation iDash r12.0.x



If you generated a job status report for all jobs that start with 'ABC' for the past 7 days, the expectation is that you will see all the job statuses for each ABC* job for the past 7 days:

ABC_123 FAILED 07/24/2017 

ABC_123 SUCCESS 07/23/2017 

ABC_123 SUCCESS 07/22/2017 


ABC_456 ON_HOLD 07/23/2017 

ABC_456 SUCCESS 07/22/2017 

ABC_456 ON_HOLD 07/19/2017




If you generated a job status report for all jobs that start with 'ABC' for the past 7 days, the reality is that you will get the LAST job status for each ABC* job that have a job status date that falls within the past 7 days:

ABC_123 FAILED 07/24/2017 

ABC_456 ON_HOLD 07/23/2017 

ABC_789 SUCCESS 07/18/2017 

Additional Information

Click here to define an iDash Autosys job status report using the Web UI. 

Click here to to define an iDash Autosys job status report using the CLI.