Configure IIS to allow Ghost image capture and deployment via HTTP
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Configure IIS to allow Ghost image capture and deployment via HTTP


Article ID: 154365


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Deployment Solution Ghost Solution Suite


Ghost is able to upload and download images via HTTP. How should IIS be configured to allow this?


1. Open the Server Manager and click on Web Server(IIS).

2. We now need to install WebDAV Publishing. Scroll down and click on Add Role Services

    a. If WebDAV Publishing is checked then click on cancel. If not Check WebDAV Publishing, click on next, then Install, then click close when the install is done.

3. Open Web Server(IIS), click on Internet Information Services(IIS) manager. Open the server, open sites then click on Default Web Site.

4. Double click on WebDAV Authoring Rules.

    a. On the actions menu choose Enable WebDAV.

5. Create a new Virtual Directory.

    a. Right click on the default web site and choose Add Virtual Directory

    b. For the Alias type "Images". (without quotes)

    c. For the Path enter the existing directory where you want the images to be stored. For example, "C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\Deployment\Task Handler\image"

6. Do the rest of the items when Images is highlighted in the connections menu.

    a. Double-click on Authentication

        1. Leave anonymous access enabled.

        2. Click on Basic authentication then choose Enable from the actions menu. Click cancel if a menu appears.

    b. Open Mime Types.

        1. Choose Add.

        2. Under Extension, enter ".*" (without quotes).

        3. Under MIME type, enter "application/octet-stream" (without quotes).

        4. Click OK.

    c. Double-click on HTTP Response Headers, then click on Set Common Headers

        1. Make sure Enable HTTP Keep-alive is checked

    d. Open ASP, expand the session properties, and make sure it says 00:20:00

    e. Double click on WebDAV Authoring Rules.

        1. On the actions menu choose Add authoring Rule

        2. Click on the following: all content, All Users

        3. check Read, Source, and Write

        4. Click on OK

   f. Double click on Directory Browsing, then Enable.