Reading SMF data
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Reading SMF data


Article ID: 15364


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SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


Reading SMF Data 

Can you use CA Insight for DB2 to read SMF data?


z/os DB2


Yes it can read SMF data direct. 


You can either create your own reports or use some of the supplied CA reports depending on what you 

are looking to report on. 


See the 

CA SYSVIEW® Performance Management Option for DB2 Batch reporting guide for details of 

reports we supply. 



Remember though that SYSVIEW for DB2 does not write to SMF so you would have 

to start your own traces directed to SMF. 


To capture and store specific information on SQL errors like your -805 

then a product like CA Detector is probably more useful and you wouldn't 

need traces for DB2 Statements.