Changing Keyboard Layout for  PGP Encryption Desktop Preboot Display and Keyboard Input Language with Troubleshooting
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Changing Keyboard Layout for  PGP Encryption Desktop Preboot Display and Keyboard Input Language with Troubleshooting


Article ID: 153623


Updated On:


Drive Encryption


Which keyboards are supported with Symantec Drive Encryption (previously PGP Whole Disk Encryption) on Symantec Drive Encryption (previously PGP Desktop) for Windows?


Section 1 of 2: Setting Default Languages via the command line on individual machines

If you wish to change the language manually, you may do the following:

Navigate in the command line to the PGP Encryption Desktop program directory and execute the following command (to set the language to French for example):

pgpwde.exe --set-boot-language --display-language fr --disk 0

The Drive Encryption authentication screen supports the following keyboard layouts:

Region/Language Display Language Code for Command
Belgium (Comma, Period) be
Bosnian ba
Bosnian (Cyrillic) ba-cyr
Bulgarian bg
Bulgarian (Latin) bg-lat
Bulgarian (Typewriter) bg-typ
Croatian hr
Canadian (Multilingual STD) ca
Canadian (French)  fr-ca
Chinese (Simplified) cn-sim
Chinese (Traditional)  cn-tra
Czech (Qwerty)  cz
Danish dk
Dutch nl
 English (United States)  en
English (United Kingdom) en-gb
English (Ireland) en-ie
English (International) us-int
Estonian ee
French  fr
French (Belgium) be
German  de
German (Austria) de-at
German (IBM) de-ibm
Hebrew  il
Hungarian hu
Hungarian (101) hu-101
Icelandic is
Italian  it
Italian (142) it-142
Japanese jp
Korean  (Korean) kr
Norwegian (Bokmal, Nynorsk)  no
Polish (Programmers) pl
Polish (214)  pl-214
Portugese (Portugal) por-pt
Portugese (Brazil ABNT, ABNT2) por-br
Romanian ro
Russian ru
Serbian (Cyrillic) sp-cyr
Serbian (Latin)  sp-lat
Slovak sk
Slovenian si
Swiss (German) de-ch
Swiss (French)  fr-ch
Spanish es
Spanish (Variation) es-var
Spanish (Latin America) es-la
Swedish (Finland) se-fi
Turkish F tr-f
Turkish Q tr-q
Ukrainian ua

Different keyboard layouts can have different mappings between characters, potentially causing problems when you enter your passphrase to authenticate. Select the keyboard layout that most closely maps to the keyboard you are using, then make sure to use that same layout each time you authenticate.


Section 2 of 2: Setting Default Languages via Policy on the PGP Encryption Server

Using the PGP Encryption Server you may force this via policy using an Advanced Settings configuration.

To do this, go to the Consumers tab on the PGP Encryption Server, then click on Consumer Policy, then the Consumer Policy you wish to modify.

Next, click on the General Tab, and then click on the button "Edit XML Preferences" as shown:

Next, click the "Set" parameter, and for the "Pref Name" name, add the following:


The Type is "String"

For the Value, you will enter the language from the table above. 

In this example, we will set it to "fr" for French keyboard layout:

Additional Information

161066 - Shift key isn't recognized at Pre Boot Authentication screen with Symantec Endpoint Encryption 11 with non-US keyboards

174651 - Changing Symantec Endpoint Encryption Preboot Display and Keyboard Input Language with Troubleshooting