Key Reconstruction - PGP Encryption Desktop
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Key Reconstruction - PGP Encryption Desktop


Article ID: 153258


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This article describes the steps to reconstruct your PGP Key using PGP Encryption Desktop. 


During the PGP Key Generation Assistant, you are prompted after entering the passphrase for your key to create 5 Security Questions for Key Reconstruction. You must enter an answer of at least 6 characters for each question. PGP Desktop requires you to successfully answer 3 of the 5 Security Questions for Key Reconstruction.

The following steps describe the process to create Security Questions for your key and to reconstruct your key using PGP Encryption Desktop.

  1. In PGP Encryptoin Desktop, click the Keys option on the left pane of the application.
  2. Select Keys, then, "I Lost My Key". The PGP Passphrase Assistant: Answer Security Questions dialog box is displayed.
  3. Answer three of the five security questions correctly and click Next. The PGP Passphrase Assistant: Success dialog box is displayed.

    Note: If the questions displayed are not your questions, click the link for These are not my questions. The PGP Passphrase Assistant: Select Key to Reconstruct dialog box is displayed. Select the Key ID of the key you want to reconstruct and click Next.
  4. Click Next. to continue with creating a new passphrase. The PGP Passphrase Assistant: Create Passphrase dialog box is displayed.
  5. Enter and re-enter your passphrase.
  6. Click Finish. Your key has been reconstructed.



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