Support for development or implementation of a Connector with Protection Engine
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Support for development or implementation of a Connector with Protection Engine


Article ID: 153109


Updated On:


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS


  • Assistance is needed in development and/or testing of a connector to use with Symantec Protection Engine (SPE).
  • Command line scanner for SPE works, but connector does not work.
  • Server will not talk to SPE, but the command line scanner works.

Error message may vary, dependent on the connector.


Symantec Protection Engine

Windows or Linux host


Assistance with the creation or implementation of the connector falls outside the scope of Symantec's Technical Support service.

Symantec Technical Support can offer you assistance with the SPE software itself, in regards to defects. Symantec Technical support may assist with any issues related to the API not functioning as expected, but cannot actually write the code. Assistance for API/third-party software is not guaranteed under any circumstance.

For information on the creation and/or implementation of the connector, please refer to the developer's guide for the version of SPE in use. If more information is needed, contact your Sales Representative or reach out to Symantec Professional Services for specific programming advice.

For information on how to test the connectivity and scanning of a Protection Engine host for testing and/or comparison purpose via the Command Line Scanner, please refer to this article: Using the Symantec Protection Engine Command Line Scanner

Additional Information

Troubleshooting ERROR_INPUT_STREAM_OPEN errors from the Symantec Protection Engine Java SDK

Client receives ERROR_SOCKET_COMMUNICATION when using the Protection Engine Java API