Installing and adding CCS PowerShell snap-ins
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Installing and adding CCS PowerShell snap-ins


Article ID: 153064


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Control Compliance Suite Standards Server Control Compliance Suite


Control Compliance Suite (CCS)

You would like to install and add CCS Powershell cmdlets to your Powershell session.


CCS 12.6.X


Note:The CCS PowerShell snap-ins are registered internally on the Windows PowerShell during snap-ins installation and are unregistered during snap-ins uninstallation.

To install CCS PowerShell snap-ins

  1. Navigate to the InstallSet\Tools\CCS PowerShell Snap-ins folder of the media structure.
  2. Click CCS PowerShell Snap-ins.exe.
  3. In the Welcome panel of the Symantec Control Compliance Suite PowerShell Snap-ins Setup Installation Wizard, click Next.
  4. In the End-User License Agreement panel, read the license agreement and select I accept the terms in the License Agreement to accept the terms of the end-user license agreement. Click Next to continue.
  5. In the Destination Folder panel, click Next to install the CCS PowerShell snap-ins to the default folder or click Browse to choose another folder.
  6. In the Ready to install Symantec CCS PowerShell Snap-ins panel, click Install to begin the installation.
    The Installing Symantec CCS PowerShell Snap-ins panel indicates the progress of the installation.
  7. In the Finish panel, click Finish to exit the wizard.


Adding CCS PowerShell snap-ins

After installing CCS PowerShell snap-ins, you must ensure that CCS PowerShell snap-ins are added to Windows PowerShell for the particular session.

To add CCS PowerShell snap-ins

  1. Open the Windows PowerShell command-line interface.
  2. To get a list of snap-ins that are registered on your computer, execute the command Get-PSSnapin -reg;.
    The list of all the registered snap-ins along with CCS snap-ins is displayed.
  3. Execute the following CCS PowerShell snap-in commands:
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Standards.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Assets.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Tags.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.JobManager.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Shared.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Exceptions.SnapIn
  4. Specify the values for AppserverNameAndPort values and Binding Type that are set for the current session.
    For instance,
    • $AppServerNameAndPort = "<app_server_name>:1431"
    • $BindingType = "nettcp"
  5. You can start using the CCS PowerShell cmdlets.