Installing and adding CCS PowerShell snap-ins
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Installing and adding CCS PowerShell snap-ins


Article ID: 153064


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Control Compliance Suite Standards Server Control Compliance Suite


Control Compliance Suite (CCS)

You would like to install and add CCS PowerShell cmdlets to your PowerShell session.


CCS 12.7.X

CCS 12.6.X


Install CCS PowerShell snap-ins for 12.7.X

  • In 12.7, the PowerShell snap-in are automatically installed in the <Install Path>\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\CCS\Reporting and Analytics\PowerShell Snap-ins folder on the Application Server.

Adding CCS PowerShell snap-ins

Ensure that CCS PowerShell snap-ins are added to Windows PowerShell for the particular session using the steps below.

To add CCS PowerShell snap-ins

  1. Open the Windows PowerShell command-line interface.

  2. To get a list of snap-ins that are registered on your computer, execute the command Get-PSSnapin -reg;.
    The list of all the registered snap-ins along with CCS snap-ins is displayed.

  3. Execute the following CCS PowerShell snap-in commands:
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Standards.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Assets.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Tags.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.JobManager.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Shared.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Exceptions.SnapIn

  4. Specify the values for AppserverNameAndPort values and Binding Type that are set for the current session.
    For instance,
    • $AppServerNameAndPort = "<app_server_name>:1431"
    • $BindingType = "nettcp"

  5. You can start using the CCS PowerShell cmdlets.



Install CCS PowerShell snap-ins for 12.6.x (Manual Install)

  1. Navigate to the Install_Set\Tools\CCS PowerShell Snap-ins folder of the media structure.

  2. Click CCS PowerShell Snap-ins.exe.

  3. In the Welcome panel of the Symantec Control Compliance Suite PowerShell Snap-ins Setup Installation Wizard, click Next.

  4. In the End-User License Agreement panel, read the license agreement and select I accept the terms in the License Agreement to accept the terms of the end-user license agreement. Click Next to continue.

  5. In the Destination Folder panel, click Next to install the CCS PowerShell snap-ins to the default folder or click Browse to choose another folder.

  6. In the Ready to install Symantec CCS PowerShell Snap-ins panel, click Install to begin the installation.
    The Installing Symantec CCS PowerShell Snap-ins panel indicates the progress of the installation.

  7. In the Finish panel, click Finish to exit the wizard.

Note:The CCS PowerShell snap-ins are registered internally on the Windows PowerShell during snap-ins installation and are unregistered during snap-ins uninstallation.

Adding CCS PowerShell snap-ins

After installing CCS PowerShell snap-ins, you must ensure that CCS PowerShell snap-ins are added to Windows PowerShell for the particular session.

To add CCS PowerShell snap-ins

  1. Open the Windows PowerShell command-line interface.

  2. To get a list of snap-ins that are registered on your computer, execute the command Get-PSSnapin -reg;.
    The list of all the registered snap-ins along with CCS snap-ins is displayed.

  3. Execute the following CCS PowerShell snap-in commands:
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Standards.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Assets.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Tags.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.JobManager.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Shared.SnapIn
    • Add-PSSnapin Symantec.CSM.PS.Exceptions.SnapIn

  4. Specify the values for AppserverNameAndPort values and Binding Type that are set for the current session.
    For instance,
    • $AppServerNameAndPort = "<app_server_name>:1431"
    • $BindingType = "nettcp"

  5. You can start using the CCS PowerShell cmdlets.