What is improved TMSSCR LDATE Message by r14.0?
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What is improved TMSSCR LDATE Message by r14.0?


Article ID: 15282


Updated On:


CA 1 Flexible Storage CA 1 Tape Management - Copycat Utility CA 1 Tape Management - Add-On Options


Portion of Release note v14.0.

Improved TMSSCR LDATE Message
When a tape is expired but the LDATE is within five days of the current date, TMSSCR issues a message
that tells you to update the LDATE to at least six days past the current date. You can then scratch
the tape using TMSCLEAN.

What is improved TMSSCR LDATE Message by r14.0?


Release: 14.0
OS: z/OS


With Release 14.0 we keep a tape for 5 days from LDATE, even if they are expired, if no CLOSE was detected.
this is just an additional protection, to check the EXPDT only, if a CLOSE was performed or if the LDATE is
older than 5 days.

with Release 12.6 you would get message

** WARNING VOLSER=vvvvvv was not scratched => VOLSER IS NOT EXPIRED

This has changed with Release 14.0 to be more clear into the following message:

** WARNING VOLSER=vvvvvv was not scratched => TAPE NOT CLOSED IN PAST 5 DAYS