Find the version of Apache Tomcat that installed with the Endpoint Protection Manager
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Find the version of Apache Tomcat that installed with the Endpoint Protection Manager


Article ID: 152794


Updated On: 12-14-2021


Endpoint Protection


The Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) uses Apache Tomcat as one of its components. 
Determine the version of Tomcat which is installed with the SEPM.

Can I update the version of Apache directly on my SEPM?


The Tomcat component that is built into the SEPM is updated with periodic releases of Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP).  
SEP 14 uses 7.0.70 and above, and SEP 14.2 uses Tomcat 7.0.90 and above.
Information on updates can often be found in the release notes. 
We recommend that you always use the latest release of SEP to take advantage of the latest enhancements and improvements.

NOTE: Updating or upgrading Apache directly is NOT supported. Any updates will be provided via regular releases or updates as needed.

To confirm the exact release of Tomcat in use.

The version of Tomcat can be found in this JAR file: <SEPM install folder>\tomcat\lib\catalina.jar

Use a tool capable of unzipping catalina.jar file and look in the file org\apache\catalina\util\ 
The following line is from the file within a catalina.jar file on a SEPM 14.2 MP1
----------------------- Tomcat/7.0.90
server.built=Jul 2 2018 17:05:37 UTC