Why is panel XCOMQDSP case sensitive for some selection criteria ?
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Why is panel XCOMQDSP case sensitive for some selection criteria ?


Article ID: 15276


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


Why is panel XCOMQDSP case sensitive for some selection criteria, f.e. History System ID, History System Name are both case sensitive, whereas requeWhsting USERID and TransferID are not?


Component: XCVMS


It is possible to have multiple platforms (i.e. UNIX, WINDOWS, etc.) write to a shared history non-VSAM database. While for z/OS, those values are upper-case only, for distributed platforms, those values can be mixed case. CA XCOM Data transport for MVS has a single ISPF interface for database and VSAM history repositories. There is no distinction between the two from an ISPF perspective.