How to update interface name alias' in NetOps Portal
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How to update interface name alias' in NetOps Portal


Article ID: 15274


Updated On:


CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


Old NetOps Portal Interface Alias name information remains even though the Network Interface name and Description field get updated when device configuration has changed. On a large network, it's difficult to examine which interfaces are updated and which have names and alias' that are mismatched.

This KB describes a method of updating all old Interface Alias names.


  1. Backup NetOps Portal MySQL 

  2. Extract the unmatched information between Network Interface name and Interface Alias name from the NetOps Portal MySQL DB as follows:

    # /opt/CA/MySql/bin/mysql 

      mysql> use netqosportal; 

      mysql> select OwnerItemID,ItemID,ItemName from t_interface where ItemName != AlternateName INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/interface_alias_import.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','; 

      mysql> \q 

  3. Run following utility for update all unmatched info. 

    # cd /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter/Tools/bin 

    # ./ -h <CAPC_HOSTNAME> -T interface -u admin -p admin -i /tmp/interface_alias_import.csv