Old NetOps Portal Interface Alias name information remains even though the Network Interface name and Description field get updated when device configuration has changed. On a large network, it's difficult to examine which interfaces are updated and which have names and alias' that are mismatched.
This KB describes a method of updating all old Interface Alias names.
# /opt/CA/MySql/bin/mysql
mysql> use netqosportal;
mysql> select OwnerItemID,ItemID,ItemName from t_interface where ItemName != AlternateName INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/interface_alias_import.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',';
mysql> \q
# cd /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter/Tools/bin
# ./update_alias_name.sh -h <CAPC_HOSTNAME> -T interface -u admin -p admin -i /tmp/interface_alias_import.csv