How does CAIRIM manage the product expiration date?
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How does CAIRIM manage the product expiration date?


Article ID: 15269


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COMMON SERVICES FOR Z/OS 90S SERVICES Common Services SYSVIEW Performance Management


I just wanted to check how the CAIRIM program handles changes to license keys.

If we ran CAIRIM with multiple keys for the same product with two different expiry dates it keeps the latest date (viewing from CAILMP in SYSVIEW).

If we then rerun against the old keys with a closer expiry date it says it accepts the key for the cpu but when viewing
in SYSVIEW, the date is not altered and continues to list the latest date. 

So from what I am seeing if the current date is further in the future then running CAIRIM with a date close to today
current date is accepted by CAIRIM but doesn't alter the expiry date.

Is this how it should be ?

When we rerun against the old keys with a closer expiry date it says it accepts the key for the cpu but when viewing
in SYSVIEW, the date is not altered and stays as the date most in the future?


   Common Services R14.1 and R15.0 - Supported z/OS versions -


There are multiple LMP keys for the same product with different expiration the same KEYS member  


It is the way CAIRIM program handles changes to license keys.

LMP will keep the key with the later expiration date.

Additional Information

See the description of how CAIRIM handles this occurrence in the R15.0 documentation under the topic Add the Keys to CAIRIM