How to configure a Remote Windows Server as a Distribution Center for LiveUpdate Administrator 2.x content
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How to configure a Remote Windows Server as a Distribution Center for LiveUpdate Administrator 2.x content


Article ID: 152461


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection


  • Guidance on configuring a remote Windows Server to be a LUA 2.x Distribution Center.
  • Set up LiveUpdate Administrator Distribution Centers on a remote server


WebDAV is used to allow the Distribution Centers to get the updates from LiveUpdate Administrator.



Administrators configuring a remote DC for the first time may be interested in the illustrated Connect Forum article LiveUpdate Administrator: How to configure a remote Distribution Center .

 Windows Server 2008 or higher comes with IIS 7.0 or higher (although not installed by default).
This guide outlines installing and configuring IIS 7.0 or higher as a LUA 2.x Distribution Center.

There are four main tasks:

  1. Add Web Server (IIS) role and the required Role Services using Server Manager.
  2. Create a folder and a user account for LUA distribution. Give the user account appropriate NTFS permission to the folder.
  3. Install WebDAV for IIS 7.0 or higher.
  4. Configure IIS for the LUA distribution center.

Add Web Server (IIS) role and the required Role Services using Server Manager.

  1. Launch Server Manager, select Roles in the left pane, and click Add Roles in the right pane.
  2. In the Add Roles Wizard window, check/tick Web Server (IIS) role.
  3. When it comes to add Role Services, check/tick Basic Authentication (under Security) in addition to all other default selections.
  4. Follow the instructions to complete the Web Server installation.

Create a folder and a user account for LUA distribution. Give the user account appropriate NTFS permission to the folder.

  1. Create a folder on the local hard disk with plenty of free space. This folder will be used to host the contents distributed by LUA and it will also be used by IIS to serve the contents to LiveUpdate clients. Bear in mind that depending on the purge policy, the size of this folder can be over 10 GB.
  2. Depending on whether the server is in a domain or workgroup, create a domain or local user account. This user account will be used by LUA to upload content files. Please note down the username and password of this user account. You will need them when configuring LUA to use this distribution center.
  3. Give the user account created in step 2 of this task full control permission to the folder created in step 1.

Install WebDAV for IIS 7.0 or higher.

  1. Depending on the version of Windows Server, download WebDAV for IIS 7.0 or higher from
  2. Follow the instructions to install WebDAV for IIS 7.0 or higher.

Note that WebDAV is available in IIS 7.0 or higher, but its role is not installed and enabled by default. Just like with Basic Authentication, the WebDAV Publishing Role must be added to the IIS server before a Distribution Center can be correctly set up.

Configure IIS 7.0 or higher for the LUA distribution center

If this web server is or will be used for web applications other than the LUA distribution center, it is recommended to create a separate website for the LUA distribution center. This way, specific configuration for the LUA distribution center website will NOT interfere with other website(s). This guide shows how to create and configure a separate website. Similar steps can be applied to the default website if so desired.

  1. Launch IIS manager
  2. Expand the server in the left pane, right click Sites and click Add Web site...
  3. Give it a descriptive site name such as Symantec LiveUpdate. For physical path, browse to the folder created in step 1 of task 2 above. Assign an unused port such as 8081. Click OK to create the web site. Please note down the IP address and the port number as you will need it when configuring LUA to use this distribution center.
  4. In the left pane, select the newly created web site. Double click Authentication feature in the middle pane to open it. Select Basic Authentication then click Enable in the right action pane to enable it. Please see screenshot below for reference.


 5.Select the web site again in the left pane, double click Directory Browsing in the middle pane, then click Enable in the right action pane to enable directory browsing. 
6.Select the web site again in the left pane, double click Handler Mappings in the middle pane, then double click OPTIONSVerbHandler, select WebDAVModule for module and click OK. Please see screen shot below for reference.



7.Select the web site again in the left pane, double click MIME Types in the middle pane, click Add in the right action pane. In Edit MIME type dialogue window, type .* in File name extension field and application/octet-stream in MIME type field and then OK . Please see screen shot below for reference.


8.Select the web site again in the left pane, double click WebDAV authoring rules in the middle pane, click Enable WebDAV in the right pane. After it's enabled, click Add authoring rule in the right pane. In the Add authoring rule dialogue window, leave allow access to All content. Type the user name of the user account created in step 2 of task 2 in the specified users field. Check/tick Read, Source and Write permissions. Click OK to close the window. Please see screenshot below for reference.


Now, the IIS 7.0 or higher server is ready to accept LUA 2.x distribution. All you need to do is configure your LUA 2.x to point to this IIS 7.0 or higher server as a distribution center.
For detailed instructions on how to do this, please see the "Configuring Distribution Centers" section in the Symantec article title: 'LiveUpdate Administrator 2.x installation walk through' 
