Does LIST SMFDATA action from API and CSV utility filter the extracted data as per C1DEFLTS and user security permissions?
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Does LIST SMFDATA action from API and CSV utility filter the extracted data as per C1DEFLTS and user security permissions?


Article ID: 15246


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Does LIST SMFDATA action from API and CSV utility filter the extracted data as per C1DEFLTS and user security permissions?


Component: ENDBAS


LIST SMFDATA does not filter extracted data based on the environments defined in the C1DEFLTS table nor in any security restrictions pertinent to the user. It just reads SMF records from the input ddname and returns all activity (or security) records it finds.

The only possible filtering is by SMF record number. If it is NOT specified in the LIST command, it will default to the number coded in the C1DEFLTS table in use for the run.

SMF datasets are updated and read by endevor but its access is not controlled by endevor security. In fact, any user having READ access to the SMF datasets may read endevor records via an user-written program. LIST SMFDATA is only an aid to make the task easier by reading and reformatting the SMF records.