What are some best practices for implementing Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) for Network Attached Storage (NAS) with a NetApp Filer?
.\xmlmodifier.exe -s /configuration/ProtocolSettings/Protocol/@value "RPC" configuration.xml
.\xmlmodifier.exe -c /configuration/ProtocolSettings/RPC/ClientList/items configuration.xml
.\xmlmodifier.exe -c /configuration/ProtocolSettings/RPC/ClientList/items <ip address of 7-mode filer> configuration.xml
WMIC CPU Get DeviceID,NumberOfCores
.\xmlmodifier.exe -s /configuration/Resources/System/MaxThreads/@value <calculated threads> configuration.xml
.\xmlmodifier.exe -s /configuration/Resources/System/LoadMaximumQueuedClients/@value <calculated value> configuration.xml
Use the vscan scanner-pool show -instance command on the NetApp filer to view the timeouts:
::*> vscan scanner-pool show -instance
javascript:void('Edit Link')
Vserver: svm1
Scanner Pool: pool1
Applied Policy: primary
Current Status: on
Cluster on Which Policy Is Applied: node1
Scanner Pool Config Owner: vserver
List of IPs of Allowed Vscan Servers: x.x.x.x
List of Host Names of Allowed Vscan Servers: x.x.x.x
List of Privileged Users: domain\administrator
Request Service Timeout: 30s
Scan Queue Timeout: 20s
Session Setup Timeout: 10s
Session Teardown Timeout: 10s
Max Number of Consecutive Session Setup Attempts: 5
Take note of Request Service Timeout. You will use this value when configuring the Protection Engine timeout.
Note: The Request Service Timeout value is how long NetApp will wait for a scan verdict. For more information about this and other timeout settings, see NetApp's article regarding timeouts.
vscan on