Log files - how/where to release space
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Log files - how/where to release space


Article ID: 15183


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Output Management Document Viewer Output Management Web Viewer


When a /usr/ directory on the server fills, Web Viewer can stop functioning.

Deleting logs frees space and allows the application to function normally again.  There are two locations for log files:



Are these the only two locations where log files are created and stored as part of the Web Viewer software? Where else may I free up space?




     You should also have a /usr/local/CA_OM_Web_Viewer/uninstaller/Logs folder. Installer and updater procedures will write to this folder and of course, not as frequently and voluminously as what you may find in the Tomcat and application Logs folders. You may also need the information written in the uninstaller/Logs folder, so exercise caution in deleting files. 
     Depending on what options you selected when you installed and updated, you may be accumulating application backups in whatever folder was specified at those times. These files can be quite large, so you may want to check what you've got there. 

     There may not be log files under... 


This is where the Web Viewer files go if using internal configuration. Otherwise, they would be under ${CAOMWV12_HOME}/logs 


Additional Information

Other locations to consider for clean-up: 

<install-target>/backups folder. Every time Web Viewer is updated, one or two folders are created. These are useful if you need to roll-back to an older build BUT if space is at a premium, these can be deleted. You may want to keep the oldest "Backup-date" folder (likely GA) and maybe one or two of the more recent ones. 

Also, if you have kept any of the update installers on the same file system (files dvw_12_1_*_LUW.ZIP or the extracted CA_OM_WEBVIEWER_12_1_Updt.jar), these can be deleted once the updated is validated. 

Check file ${CAOMWV12_HOME}/derby.log This is usually small but we have seen it grow large in some cases. If you are using an external database, this file can be deleted on a regular basis BUT do this while Tomcat is down. If using an internal database (embedded Derby), this can still be deleted, but you may want to do it less often (in case of database related problems, we may want to see this file). 

${CAOMWV12_HOME}/config : Consider deleting the back-ups of the .properties files (they'll have a date as the file extension). Several copies are made of these files each time the configTool is run. Unless you are actively changing configuration, you can delete all the old back-ups.