If the Database Server Hostname or IP Address has changed, inspect the Database Server address on the SCSP Management Server as follows:
- In the Services snap-in (On the Windows Start Menu, click Start > Run, type Services.msc and click OK), stop all Symantec Critical System Protection \DCS services on the Management Server.
- Open the file c:\Program Files\Symantec\Critical System Protection\Server\tomcat\conf\server.xml in Notepad.
- On the Edit menu, click Find and search for URL -- you will find 2 occurrences and both need to be checked.
- If the url= string contains a Hostname that properly resolves to the new database server IP via your DNS server, no change is necessary and you may proceed to step 4.
- If the Database Server Hostname has changed and the URL= string contains the old Hostname, update it to reflect the new Hostname of the Database Server.
- If the url= string contains an IP address, modify each URL= string to reflect the new IP address for the database server.
- Re-start all Symantec Critical System Protection services on the Management Server.
The agent config tool is located in the following directories on an agent computer: Sisipsconfig Tool reference Guide: https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article/151857/command-line-options-for-the-the-sisipsc.html
Windows agents named sisipsconfig.exe
- Located (for SCSP) in: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Critical System Protection\agent\ips\bin
- Located (for SDCS) in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Data Center Security Server\Agent\IPS\bin
UNIX agents named sisipsconfig.sh (You will need to su to sisips to run this tool on *nix su - sisips -c "./opt/Symantec/sdcss/IPS/sisipsconfig.sh)
- Located (for SCSP) in: opt/Symantec/scspagent/IPS
- Located (for SDCS) in: opt/Symantec/sdcssagent/IPS
If the Management Server Hostname or IP Address has changed, inspect the Management Server host value on each SCSP Agent as follows:
- If the Agent is on Windows:
- Open a command window on the Agent server (On the Windows Start Menu, click Start > Run, type cmd and click OK)
- Run cd c:\Program Files\Symantec\Critical System Protection\Agent\IPS\bin
- Run sisipsconfig -v
- If the Host field contains a Hostname that properly resolves in DNS to the new Management Server IP Address, no change is necessary (the agent will connect on its own) and you may proceed to the next agent.
- If the Management Server Hostname has changed and the Host string contains the old Hostname, run sisipsconfig -h <new_Management_Server_Hostname> to point the Agent to the new Management Server Hostname.
- If the Host field contains an IP address for the Management Server, run sisipsconfig -h <new_Management_Server_IP> to point the Agent to the new Management Server IP Address.
- If the Agent is on UNIX or Linux:
- Open a console or Secure Shell (SSH) session on the Agent server as the root user.
- Run su - sisips
- Run cd /opt/Symantec/scspagent/IPS/bin
- Run ./sisipsconfigtool -v
- If the Server Host List field contains a Hostname that properly resolves in DNS to the new Management Server IP Address, no change is necessary (the agent will connect on its own) and you may proceed to the next agent.
- If the Management Server Hostname has changed and the Server Host List string contains the old Hostname, run ./sisipsconfigtool -h <new_Management_Server_Hostname> to point the Agent to the new Management Server Hostname.
- If the Server Host List field contains an IP address for the Management Server, run ./sisipsconfigtool -h <new_Management_Server_IP> to point the Agent to the new Management Server IP Address.
- Test and validate the connection to the new DCS \ SCSP Management Server by running the command ./sisipsconfig -t(test)