What switches can be used when using the DeployAnywhere?
The following switches are available:
Be aware that these switches are case sensitive and must be put in exactly as they are shown.
The diagnostic switches should be used with the build 2166 (or later) of DeployAnywhere.
DeployAnywhere (DA) command line switches: /target:
If /target is specified using a drive letter, it must be the drive letter as seen from the PreOS. If positional notation is used DA will translate from the positional notation to the driver letter currently pointing to that physical partition. In GSS 2.5 DA uses GhConfig32.exe to perform the translation. If /eval is not specified with /target then the target OS will be modified. If the retargeting does not succeed the target is left in an indeterminate state and the target may need to be re-imaged before another attempt at retargeting can be made. This switch is used to indicate the location of the Deploy Anywhere Driver Database. An example: /ddb=d:\windrivers
Performs an evaluation of the restored OS to ensure that mass storage controller driver and NIC drivers required for the retargeting to take place are present in the driver database
* The file is overwritten * Is never deleted by DA/logPath
/logId= The names of ghdplyaw32.txt and driver_list.txt are affected by this parameter. /findactivewindows
/byPassDrvVali =yes This bypasses driver certificate validation
/notUseLeagacyDriverInstaller As of GSS 3.3 RU10+ driver injection uses DISM instead of DPInst. To force driver injection to use DPInst then omit this parameter |