How Solve addresses a Multi-Line WTO?
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How Solve addresses a Multi-Line WTO?


Article ID: 15176


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SOLVE:Operations Automation SOLVE:Access Session Management SOLVE:FTS SOLVE


DocOps does not have SOLVE r5.0 JP manuals. Customer asked whether description on a r11.9 manual would be available to r5.0.

Is an important notice of &AOMREAD MINOR Operands on r11.9 NCL Reference available to r5.0 as well ?

Important! To make &AOMREAD read the minor lines in responses to console commands, use the screening table to route the minor lines to the AOMPROC.


R5.0 JP


Yes, it is available to r5.0.

When you use a minor line information ( such as &AOMNMIN, &AOMMINLN, &AOMMINLT )  of a command response message issued from a console other than SOLVE,  you need to route the minor lines to AOMPROC in the screening table.

Additional Information

Following information should be added to read the article without any confusion.

1.    It’s about Multi-Line WTO
2.    The MLWTO is visible from the subsystem
3.    Solve can capture those solicited messages through a system console (including OPSYS) or through a Solve console (using SYSCMD)
4.    The behavior between system console and Solve console is different regarding the minor lines (i.e.: &AOMNMIN)