"Error 15210: NTFS signature, should not be FAT32" occurs when using Ghost on a machine that previously had an Altiris image deployed to it.
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"Error 15210: NTFS signature, should not be FAT32" occurs when using Ghost on a machine that previously had an Altiris image deployed to it.


Article ID: 151757


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


After Ghost is launched, the user interface appears and before any selections are made you get the error 15210.


GSS 3.x


Altiris' Deployment Solution alters the MBR in such a way that during boot, the machine goes through a "Bootwork routine" (Altiris terminology) that has the machine check a central server for software updates and installations. This alters the MBR in such a way that Ghost does not recognize the MBR as the correct format.


The MBR must be reinitialized. To do this, use a utility like GDISK (included with Ghost Solution Suite) or FIXMBR.

  1. Copy the file Gdisk.exe to a bootable floppy disk.
  2. Boot the computer to DOS using the boot disk.
  3. Enter the following command:

    DISK # /MBR
    Note that the symbol # needs to be replaced with the disk number.

Switches: GDisk

275609 GDISK command line parameters