Joining a GhostCast server session using a network boot disk
Article ID: 151722
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Ghost Solution Suite
You want to use a network boot disk to join a GhostCast Server session.
GSS 3.x
Follow these instructions to use a network boot disk to join a GhostCast server:
Configure the GhostCast Server
In the Ghost Console window, click on the Tools menu.
Click on GhostCast Server.
In the Symantec GhostCast Server window, type a session name in the Session Name edit field. For example, "Create Ghost Image".
Select Restore Image to restore an existing image or Create Image to create a new image.
Click on the Browse button.
In the Open window, type the image name to restore or create in the "File name" edit field.
Click on the Open button if restoring or the Save button if creating.
If restoring:
Click on the More Options button if they are not displayed in the Auto Start section under the button.
Edit the Client Count edit field to the number of machines to restore the image to.
If creating or when finished with the restoring sub-steps above, click on the Accept Clients button.
Configure the Ghost Client(s)
Boot the client machine(s) with thethumb drive you've created form Bootwiz For instructions on how to do this, please refer to the document Create a Network Boot Disk media type
When the client machine boots into Ghost, you'll see an "About Symantec Ghost" window. Click OK on this message.
Select the GhostCast option on the left side of the screen.
Select Multicast, Directed Broadcast, or Unicast from the submenu. For more information about these choices, consult your network protocol documentation.
In the "GhostCast Session Name to Join" box, type the name of the session you want to join. This was established in Configuring the GhostCast Server: Step 3.
For the "Discovery Method", select one of the following options by clicking the radio button:
Automatic: The client machine will try to locate the Ghost Cast Server session on its own.
Server IP Address: Specify the IP address of the machine that's hosting the Ghost Cast Server session.
Click OK.
Select the drive to perform the imaging operation on:
For image creation, specify the source drive.
For image restore, specify the destination drive.
Click OK.
Select the level of compression:
None: No compression of the image file is performed.