How to schedule a scan from the Endpoint Protection Manager console
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How to schedule a scan from the Endpoint Protection Manager console


Article ID: 151655


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Endpoint Protection


Note: This article is no longer being updated. The following article replaces it. Update your links or bookmarks to:
Setting up scheduled scans that run on Windows computers

How to schedule a scan from the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) console.


Follow the steps below to add or modify a scheduled scan for your managed Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) clients:

  1. Log into the SEPM console.
  2. Select Policies from the far left side.
  3. From the middle column under View Policies select Virus and Spyware Protection.
  4. Either select to create a new policy from under Tasks or double click an existing policy on the right to edit it.
  5. In the Virus and Spyware Protection window look to the upper left corner and select Administrator-defined Scans from the menu.
  6. To the right you will see the predefined scan listed. Double-click to open. A new scan can also be added by clicking the Add button. The Edit Scheduled Scan dialog box appears.
  7. Under the Schedule tab, modify schedule to desired intervals and then select OK.

If the policy was existing it will immediately take effect. It the policy is new, a window will appear asking you to assign the policy to your group of choice.

Note: If inheritance is enabled on all groups, you will not be able to individually assign the policy to a single group. To assign a policy to a single group inheritance will need to be turned off.

Follow the steps below to turn Inheritance off or on

  1. Log into the SEPM console.
  2. Select Clients from the far left side.
  3. In the middle column under View Clients select the group of choice.
  4. Under the Policies tab, check the box to turn inheritance on, or uncheck the box to turn inheritance off.