How to trace XCOM for z/OS transfers
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How to trace XCOM for z/OS transfers


Article ID: 15147


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - z/OS XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - Windows


How to turn on tracing for XCOM Data Transport for z/OS.


Release: Any
Component:  XCOM Data Transport for z/OS


To trace TYPE=EXECUTE batch transfers
    Use TRACE=YES in the XCOMJOB PARM. For example:

The trace is written to the output of the XCOMJOB.
NOTE: This is the only way to trace TYPE=EXECUTE transfers on the sending side.  On the receiving side, use the console command and trace the specific destination.

To trace the TYPE=SCHEDULE only
     For example:

NOTE: This traces the schedule to the server only,  not the transfer itself.
The trace is written to the output of the XCOMJOB.

For TYPE=SCHEDULE and ISPF transfers
Use the console modify command and specify TRACE to turn tracing on and NOTRACE to turn tracing off

 To trace all transfers:
        F xcomstc,trace,*   

      This will trace EVERYTHING in the server, so it would be best to do it at an off time, or (even better) use a test server with no other transfer activity  going on.

 To trace a specific destination:
      This will trace only activities between the server and the partner at nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn IP address. 
      F xcomstc,trace,ipname (or address)     to trace a transfer to a specific IP destination only

      NOTE: To enable tracing for a specific IP partner,  requires 12.0 PTF RO96651 SELECTIVE TRACING BY IP ADDRESS NOT WORKING CORRECTLY

      F xcomstc,trace,luname                        to trace a transfer to a specific LU only

        where xcomstc is the xcom started task name.
        XCOM opens a TRACE DD in output of the server job.

   To terminate all tracing:
   /F xcomstc,NOTRACE,* 

       or specify the remote destination to turn off tracing selectively.

Additional Information

Documentation: XCOM™ DATA TRANSPORT® FOR Z/OS 12.0