Sybase probe DB Checkpoints are grayed out
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Sybase probe DB Checkpoints are grayed out


Article ID: 15140


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


It is observed that few of the sybase DB checkpoints were grayed out in Sybase ASE version 15.7 and later.

Why does Advance monitoring of the Sybase probe DB checkpoints were grayed out ?



DX UIM 20.4.x / 23.4.x

Sybase probe version : 4.20 and later

Sybase DB Version: 15.7 and later


Starting sybase probe version 4.2 onwards, the probe does not support advanced monitoring using Monitoring Server. This is because the Monitoring Server is not a part of the Adaptive Server Enterprise version 15.7 and later.

But our probe supports all version of ASE 15. e.g. 15.1 , 15.2. In these versions, Monitor server is available, so, these checkpoints are available with all varieties of version 15.x except 15.7 and above. 

Customer need select the Monitoring Option as Monitoring Server in connection tab in probe else you will not be able to use these checkpoints. 


To enable this option, customer need to contact their sybase DBA to get the Monitoring Server name and credentials.


So customer might need to use the Sybase versions less than 15.7 to get advanced monitoring of sybase probe. 

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