Current supported values for the ASDK TaskManagementService ChangeAdvancedOptions optionsxml parameter
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Current supported values for the ASDK TaskManagementService ChangeAdvancedOptions optionsxml parameter


Article ID: 151240


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


 What are the current supported values for the optionsXml parameter on the TaskManagementService ChangeAdvancedOptions ASDK method?



API Location: /altiris/asdk.task/TaskManagementService.asmx
API Name: ChangeAdvancedOptions(string taskGuid, string optionsXml)
 taskGuid = guid of a task, that we want to modify
 optionsXml = simple XML with any root node and every child underneath is a name 
of a property, that we want to change.

Current supported options:
 name: RunAsType
 type: enum
 values: Default / LoggedOnUser / SpecificUser

 name: ShowWindow
 type: enum
 values: ShowNormal / Hidden / Minimized / Maximized

 name: Username
 type: string
 value: (any)

 name: Password
 type: string
 value: (any)

 name: CollectScriptOutput
 type: boolean
 value: True / False

 name: KillChildProcesses
 type: boolean
 value: True / False

 name: UseReturnCodeToSucceed
 type: boolean
 value: True / False

